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The girls reaction to you falling asleep on their shoulder.

Mikasa Ackerman -
    She freezes as soon as she realizes you're asleep. This hasn't happened before and she had no idea what to do. Luckily Armin noticed and subtlety told her to take you to bed. So Mikasa, relieved to know what to do, very gently carried you to bed. Unable to stop herself Mikasa also cuddled you before falling asleep too.

"Maybe you should get some more sleep. I don't want you to be tired during a battle."

Annie Leonhardt -
    You fell asleep during a conversation with Hitch. Annie smiled at the fact that you were comfortable enough with her to sleep on her. She simply moved your head to her lap and continued talking. If you were still asleep when she finished then Annie would bring you to bed but won't get in with you. Instead she went to make sure you had no work left and if you did she did it for you.

"Are you not sleeping well? Would sleeping in my room help?"

Hange Zoe -
    She didn't notice until she realized you hadn't moved or said anything for a while. Hange just adjusted you so you were leaning more against her and laid her jacket over you. Once she got bored though she woke you up to go do something.

"You're very cute in your sleep."

Sasha Blouse -
    Sasha panicked a little when you fell asleep. She asked Jean and Connie for help but they both also panicked. You awoke due to their frantic whispers and told Sasha what to do if you ever fell asleep on her again. Sasha told this to everyone she knew so then if she forgot then someone else would remember.

"Okay but why did you fall asleep in the first place? Am I that comfortable?"

Historia -
    Luckily you were in Historia's quarters so she didn't have to do anything. She shifted you around to make you more comfortable before picking up a book. Historia simply read until you woke up.

"Don't stay up so late. Even though I don't mind I don't want it to have any affects on your health."

Ymir -
    She didn't realize you were asleep. So when Ymir got up, you ended up hitting your head. After a firm scolding she promised to be more attentive. Although you never fell asleep on her shoulder again.

"It won't happen again! I promise. Here fall asleep on my shoulder again."

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