Not perfect.

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ok so i kinda had this idea




based on the prompt and the song. LOVE OLIVIA SHE'S AMAZING 

idk, enjoy or whatever?? XD



Piper's POV:

Dylan wasn't my soulmate. 

There were no colors the first time we touched. He didn't even touch me on my ugly black stain. We had accidentally bumped into each other one day in high school, and we ended up dating. 

Our love was heaven for the first two or so years. Surprise dates, romantic kisses on the beach, the whole package. He was the perfect boyfriend. We were perfect. 

That was the problem. 

Still Piper's POV but in the present now lmao:

I fingered the bottom of my face, where my black stain was. Supposedly, my soulmate was supposed to touch me there for the first time. Dylan, my boyfriend, had touched just about every inch of my body, but the stain remained black. 

As I looked in the mirror, I realized how ugly my skin looked with the stain. 

Sighing, I grabbed some makeup and began covering it up. That was what Dylan and I did when we went out. It's better to pretend that we didn't have soulmates than to tell people that we weren't soulmates and we were dating. 

It's not like that's a bad thing. People do it all the time. Unfortunately, Dylan wants us to keep our "perfect couple" facade up. 

He doesn't want people to know what he does to me. 

I finished applying my makeup right as Dylan came barging into the bathroom. He fixed his tie and walked out without acknowledging me. I frown and sigh. I hurriedly grab a small purse from the closet and walk to the car. 

Dylan's waiting inside. At least he remembers that I'm coming with him. I smile. 

My smile dims when I see him on his phone, and it completely fades when I see the shit he's looking at. 

Girls. Pictures of girls. Perfect bodies, perfect skin, perfect perfect perfect. All of them are in fancy, lace-y bras and their faces look so fake. 

"Dylan," I mutter, trying to get his attention. He grunts, but turns off his phone and starts driving. 

"Remind me where your friends house is again?" he asks. I rattle off their address to him, but he looks very uninterested. 

𝐩𝐣𝐨/𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐥𝐜 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now