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this is just a kotlc something

it's possibly the shittiest thing i've ever written, but that's ok bc i kinda like it

its also unedited, like everything else i write



ok welp bye

No one's POV:

Keefe sprawled his legs out on the carpet. "C'mon, Dex! You can not let Biana win!" He yelled.

Dex fiddled with the controller, his face scrunching up in a concentrated look. "I know! Shut up; I can't focus."

Keefe pouted but quieted down. He stared at the TV screen intently as if glaring at it would make Dex win.

Biana cackled loudly as she murdered Linh's character in the game. Linh groaned from the other side of the room and threw her controller on the floor.

"Want a cookie, Linh?" Sophie asked from the kitchen. Linh grudgingly walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies.

"Can I have a cookie?" Keefe asked innocently. Sophie glared at him.

"No. You ate the whole other batch," she said. Keefe shrugged.

"I'm a growing boy; I need to eat!" he replied, getting up from the floor and running to Sophie. He took three cookies and ran back before Sophie could attack him.

"HOW'S EVERYTHING GOING?" Fitz shouted, running down the stairs. Tam followed, not looking very interested in the video game.

"Biana's winning!" Keefe answered in a disappointed tone. Fitz frowned at his sister.

"Go easy on Dex, Biana," he told her. His sister shook her head and grinned evilly. Keefe snickered while Dex's face burned up.

"I made this game, Fitz. She doesn't need to go easy on me," he muttered. Fitz shrugged at sat down next to Dex.

Tam walked over to Biana and plopped down right beside her. Her face flushed bright pink.

Keefe smirked. If Tam kept sitting next to her, she would be super flustered and wouldn't focus on the game. Dex could win.

Dex had to win. Keefe, Rex, Bex, and Lex had bet $1,563 on this game. If Dex won, the money went to him, and if Biana won, the money went to the triplets.

It never occurred to Keefe how the triplets were going to get the money if Keefe won the bet, though.

"SHE'S RIGHT THERE; KILL HER, DEX!!" Fitz bellowed. Dex cringed.

"You're yelling in my freaking ear! Where is she?" Dex responded. Fitz yanked the controller from Dex's hands. "HEY!"

Dex jumped on Fitz and stole the controller back.

"DUDE, SHE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU," Keefe shrieked.

"Biana, kill him!" Tam hissed. Biana furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's not letting me access my weapons!" she muttered, frowning at the TV screen. Dex grinned.

I looked at Dex with a newfound interest. "What did you do?" I asked.

Dex shrugged. "What makes you think it was me?"

I shook my head. Dex's character ran towards Biana's and shot her.


"WOOHOO!" Keefe bellowed and jumped up. "THOSE DIZZNEE TRIPLETS OWE ME SOME CASH!!"

Dex frowned at Keefe. "Rex, Bex, and Lex are broke. I'm pretty sure they have three dollars. Maybe four."

Keefe stopped jumping. "They owe me $1,563...."

Sophie snickered from the kitchen. "You know better than to trust the triplets. Have a cookie." She slid the plate towards him. He pouted as he walked over to the plate of cookies.

In the living room, Biana was throwing a fit. She threw pillows across the room, flipped a coffee table, and shattered a vase of flowers. Tam ran around, trying to calm her down, and Fitz and Dex called the Vackers to pick Biana up.

"What did we do to be friends with people like this?" Sophie wondered out loud. Keefe sat down on the stool right in front of Linh, who watched the living room scene with a smile on her face.

"We deserved better friends. With better siblings," Keefe muttered, taking a bite out of a cookie. Sophie laughed.

"Still sour about the bet?" He nodded. Sophie shook her head and grabbed Keefe's hand. "How about we go out tomorrow? I heard the Neverseen Cafe has good spaghetti?" she asked.

Keefe raised his eyebrow, a smirk plastered on his face. "Are you asking me out, Foster?" Sophie's face turned crimson. "'Cause if you are, the Neverseen Cafe is an awful restaurant. I love the Black Swan bakery, though," he continued.

Sophie's blushed even harder if that was possible.

"Hi, I'm still here," Linh murmured. Keefe and Sophie turned to stare at her; they clearly forgot about her.

Just at that moment, Ro – Keefe's older cousin – burst through the front door, nearly knocking it down. She scowled at the sight of the living room.

"Biana's gone crazy," Dex informed her. Ro nodded.

"I can see that." Then, she looked at the kitchen. Upon seeing Keefe holding hands with a blushing Sophie, she grinned menacingly, as if promising to tease Keefe about this later.

"Well, Alden and Della are here. They came for Biana. They said something about therapy?" Ro stated.

No one complained as Biana gathered her things and walked out the door with Fitz right behind her.

Right after they left, the others began cleaning up and getting ready to go. As Keefe and Sophie walked out the door, Sophie muttered, "I'll be at the bakery at 5. Don't tell Grady anything, or he and Sandor (Sophie's older cousin) will murder you."

Keefe nodded. "It's a date, Foster!" he said, smirking.

Linh crept up behind Sophie.

"Not a word," Sophie warned.

Linh smiled but said nothing.

Biana was fangirling over them the day after, making a ship name, asking about the date, ext. Sophie responded by asking her how Tam was and making a ship name for Biana and Tam.

She noticed Linh smirking in the opposite corner of the class.

Sophie glared at her friend and looked away.

pls never bring this up ever again its my first kotlc oneshot LEAVE ME ALONE

hopefully i'll write more and get better but for now you have to deal with this. 


<3 DW

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