15 1 16

First, there was darkness, then there was light. I was staring up at a white ceiling with a lamp hanging overhead. I struggled to turn my head and saw a curtain drawn next to me. I couldn't sit up and it only took more effort to move, so I attempted to talk.

"Hhhh-ey..." The word barely passed my lips in but a whisper.

Soon, there were a series of quick movements behind the curtain before it swished to one side and a woman in white with a red patch in the shape of a medical beaker on her chest kneeled next to me

"Hello, my name is Dr. Flaherty. Do you remember me?" She had a dire look on her face.

Unable to nod, I spoke again. "Yy... Yes."

"Good. Do you remember your name?" She was now holding my hand. I couldn't see it, but I felt it.


She nodded. "Ok Scarlet, how old are you?"

"Twen...ty..." It was becoming more difficult to form words. My mind was still in a tizzy.

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

I didn't answer. I refused to believe what happened was reality.

"Ok, do you feel this?" She squeezed my hand.


"Ok, can you feel this?" She reached over and squeezed my other hand.


"How about this?" She went on checking if I could feel all of my limbs, which thankfully, I could. "Can you move anything?"

"My n-neck."

"Anything else?"

"No...t yet."

"How about the light? Does it hurt your eyes or do you feel any discomfort?"


She pulled a small, blue cylindrical object from her pocket. "I'm going to shine a light in your eyes, alright? If you feel any discomfort, let me know."


She held the object firmly and snapped her fingers. As soon as she did, a white beam of light escaped one end, leaving the rest of the cylinder to glow a dull blue.

She slowly shone the light in my eyes "Try to follow the light as best you can." She began moving it back and forth.

I had no problem following it, and when she finished, she put down the light before picking up a clipboard from a nearby table and scribbling something down.

"Scarlet..." The doctor sounded nervous. "I have good news and bad news... A lot of bad news. Witch, would you like to hear first?"


She hesitated a moment then said, "I'm not sure exactly how to tell you this but, both your aunt and uncle are dead and your cousin is missing. There's also a dent consistent with a blunt strike to your head. You're lucky to survive."

She took a deep breath as if a weight lifted from her shoulders. "The good news is: the wound in your head is healing rapidly on its own and there seem to be no other problems aside from temporary paralysis and your speaking problems are likely related to that. You should be able to move and speak properly in a few days' time."

"Horns..." I said, trying my hardest to move any muscle I could.

"Your horns are fine, just a little more dull than they were, but fine nonetheless."

The Horned Child of Reaver and BaronessWhere stories live. Discover now