o n e - shallow waters

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Hey guys, solarflares here! I hope you enjoy my collab novel with beneaths. For some background knowledge me and liala met last year on instagram. ever since we have been stuck together like glue. liala and i thought it would be cool to write a collab novel since we think exactly the same. We will be alternating chapters and posting everything on each account make sure you vote and read on each or we will start to post chapter by chapter separately. cover credits goes to liala, hope you enjoy the story. -sam


Zahrah walked into the club. Music pulsed in her ears and the smell of alcohol collided with her nose.

"Wow." she said to no one in particular

She took in her surroundings. Is this what kids her age did? Smoke pot at a dingy club, listening to hectic music and grinding on whoever they see? Not to mention getting wasted, Zahrah wasn't fond of the thought of a hangover.

"Zah!" Autumn cried "Come on dance with me and Luna!"

"C'mon Zah!" Luna added

Zahrah thought about all the pervs on the dance floor and decided she would like to take a rain check on the dancing.

"Nah, i'm good i'm just going to go over to the bar."

"Suit yourself birthday girl!" They shouted over the music.

Zahrah never really understood her friends, or why she ever acquainted herself with them. She listened to Green Day, they listened to Taylor Swift. She hated alcohol and drugs and partying and of course those two couldn't get themselves away from those things.

She walked up to the counter sitting at the seat closest to the wall. The bartender walked over to her.

"Hello, my name is Michael."

"Hello, Michael may I have a water."

Michael laughed.

"Water!" He giggled "You and my friend Luke over there would get along well-"

"Zahrah." she finished

He smiled walking away going to retrieve Zahrah's water and to get Luke's pale ass legs off his beautiful counter.

"Luke!" Michael scolded "Get your legs off, this is granite!"

"I'm bored." whined Luke

"Then go talk to the girl who just ordered water." Michael exclaimed while motioning the red solo cup he was holding towards zahrah.

Luke smiled.

Finally, someone else who drinks water at a club. he thought

Luke picked up his drink and pushed in the bar stool he had been sitting on. He walked over by zahrah and pulled out the stool next to her and sat down.

"Hey, can I have one sec?" Luke asked

one sec ✧ lrh auWhere stories live. Discover now