Beelzebub x Reader: Down in the Jungle

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Hello! It's your author here, with a new fic! Ever wonder what would happen if Beel was some sort of jungle lord? No? Well, here's the fic none of you asked for but got anyways!

Uh, also, background information: MC here is a human who has accidentally fallen into the Devildom. However, they are not aware of that until they stumble upon a bunch of demons.. and Beel. (Also, this is part of my Lords AU from last time!)


I rubbed my eyes and sat up. 

"You're awake."

A pair of purple-magenta orbs stared back at me. I let out a short yelp.

"Aah! Who are you? Where am I? What's that!?"

I pointed frantically at what seemed to be a giant bug in a sandwich, and inched away from my watcher. The orange haired man just blinked. 

"You humans sure have a memory problem." he said, and then continued munching on his strange sandwich.

"So you're not gonna tell me where I am? Or who you are?"

"Hmmm... *munch munch swallow* Nope. You'll remember soon enough."

He rose from his seat, and proceeded to go to wash his hands from a self-engineered sink. I merely sat there, deep in thought. Human? Memory problem? That would mean I met him before..


I'd been separated from my tour group. Now I was being chased by a bunch of burly men who did by no means seem to be friendly. I'd stumbled upon them while trying to find my friends, who were here with me. Now if only I could escape those creeps.

"Just shoot at them!" shouted one of them.

Now I was really scared. As I reached the edge of the dense green forest, I tripped. I was launched face forward at the ground, and let out an exclamation as I twisted my ankle. I groaned, and hurriedly tried to get up again. 

Absolute failure. Everything hurt, I was doomed.

That is, I thought I was doomed. My three chasers had caught up, but just as they bent down to touch me, a loud voice yelled at them.


Completely forgetting I was there, the trio turned around and looked at what seemed to be.... A man leaping from over the trees? The froze on the spot.

"If you don't stop harassing this poor human this instant, I'll eat you up."

He'll.. what?

The three men immediately started to run away. The orange haired guy jumped down from the trees.

"Are you hurt?"

I blinked, confused. This guy was very tall and muscular. On top of that, he was shirtless! About all he was wearing was baggy pants and a large fur hood, which seemed to have a skull of some animal near his head. He also sported a silver two-triangle necklace that had been wrapped around his neck several times till it had become a choker, as well as a bracelet tied around his wrist in the same manner.

He repeated his question.

"Uhm- I'm fine, thank you."

I tried to stand up and dust myself, but was hindered by a sharp pain in my foot.

"Let me carry you."

And just like that, I found myself in the arms of this gentle giant, jumping from over the trees. When I say over the trees, I mean literally over the trees. He didn't quite seem to be stepping on any branches, more so the blanket of leaves formed by the forest canopy. It was like he was leaping from stone to stone... but midair!

Even if this guy was a stranger, I felt oddly comfortable in his grasp. He seemed to be fierce or scary looking at first glance, but is actually rather soft now that I see him up close. He also had a sort of determined look in his eye. I felt.. protected. Safe.

"Uhm.. What's your name?"


"Wait- You mean to say you're Lord Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony? What are you doing in the human world? Wearing... this!?"

What? A mere mortal such as myself... in the hands of a demon lord!?

He stopped in his tracks. "Human world?"

*Author intervenes; clasps hands together*... "Boi- YOU REALLY NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT MC!"

*Violently shakes MC*

"You're in the Devildom, human."


I am now completely panicking.

"What! I can't- what!? How did I get here?"

"Probably triggered one of the many secret portals that join the two realms. There's a lot of those in this area, which is why this is a sealed up area. I should report those three who-"

*Flashback ends*

And that's all I could remember. Hmm... The Demon Lord Beelzebub banished himself to the Devildom forest zone in the fear his excessive eating habits would cause a famine in his land. Instead he's left his property to his younger twin Belphegor, Avatar of Sloth. Currently it was known that Lord Lucifer and Lord Belphegor had gotten into a dispute with the land, but my orange haired savior probably didn't know that. 

Lord Beelzebub waved a hand in front of my face. "Hello? Human?"

"I'm MC, m'lord!" I yelped, quickly getting out of bed. My ankle was better now.

"Right, MC. You needn't call me m'lord, I've given up my territories. Say Beel or something. We need to get you home. Any ideas when or where you entered the Devildom?"

I shook my head no. The demon sighed, and then put on his large hood. 

"Come along then, we need to cross the border before midnight."

I stared at him, confused. He just took a few steps forward, turned me around, and held me close to him.


"Hold on tight."

He leaped out a window, me clutching his arm for dear life. I felt so... alive! The wind blew in my hair, and though it was cold, Beel provided me with an odd sort of warmth that made me feel all nice and tingly.

Wait.. what am I thinking? There's no way he even remotely is interested in me! It's just his duty to help maintain the relations between the 3 realms as one of Diavolo's subsidiaries.

..Is what I told myself, but part of myself still hoped.


I swear every time I post late I feel bad about it but what can I do I get caught up in life every time.. Welp, here's your fic. Hope you enjoyed it, because I'm really loving this AU! Should I devote another side book to it? Comment if you want that please!

PS: 3 new characters were released, and boy am I hyped (Haha I'm still on season 2 though). Devil Day's soon too! AAAAAAAAAAAH man I'll probably not be able to do much because of my exams.. But I'll try! Do not leave, because the show ain't over yet folks!

Sincerely, Sly.

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