Chapter 24:Trip

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That day Jungkook got off work early so he could go and make something for Taehyung to eat.He made his way to the alpha's house after getting the necessary supplies from the grocery store.He knew what was in store for him but he didn't care.

Just as soon as he pulled into the compound he saw Taehyung getting into his car.Without really thinking he jumped out of the car and invited himself into the alpha's.

"Get out"

"I should be telling you that.You are in no position to be driving.Don't tell me you are even thinking of working"

"Jungkook...are you my doctor?"


"Then my wife?"

"That's mean.Do I look like I have boobs or...Taehyung"

"I'm giving you a last warning.Get out while you still can"

"Thats not happening"

"I'm not your boyfriend that I would give into your whims"Taehyung spat.

"You can say whatever you like but I'm not getting out"

Taehyung's phone rang and Jungkook got a glimpse of the caller.

"Irene.Is that your new girlfriend?"

"What?"Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a frown over his features

"Are you dating her.It's a good thing if you are.You look good together"

"Get out"

"Why are you getting angry.Did I say anything wrong?"Jungkook asked

"Don't cry later.You brought this on yourself"

"Did you eat and have your medicine?"

"I did."

"Then that's good"

Taehyung ruffled his hair and started the ignition without any warning.Jungkook remained calm while playing on his phone.

It took him two hours to ask the alpha where they were going to.

"Where are we going?"

"I told you to get out"

"You haven't answered my question"

Taehyung remained tight lipped.Jungkook got scared as it got darker and they were moving further and further from the city.


The alpha remained quite.

"Taehyung I'm pressed.If you keep quite and treat me like I don't exist I'm going to pee in your car.You know I'm crazy"

"If you want to pee you could have said so a while ago.We have already passed the recess"

"How was I to know.You never told me"

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Stop the car"

"In the middle of nowhere?"

"Do you have an option"

"Fine."Taehyung stopped the car"Get out"he said.


"For fuck sakes Jungkook stop being annoying"

"How do I know you won't leave me in the middle of nowhere.I might get eaten by wild animals"

" are really tiring me out"

"Come out with me.Please Tae"

"So am I supposed to stand guard and watch you  do your business"

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