Chapter 18

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Scarlett's POV

We rushed Ada to the hospital, my hands are still with her blood. I'm shaking, scared of what might happen to her. I'm biting my nails, I can't stay in one place, she's in the E.R, still no news about her.

"She will be fine, Scar. She's the strongest kid I know" Lizzie comfort me. I hug her and let myself fall into her embrace. "I don't know what to do if I lose her" she hugged me back, caresses my back whisper encouraging words to my ears.

We wait until an hour passed. I wander my eyes in my surroundings; families waiting for their loved ones, ready to receive good or bad news, some of them are crying maybe miracles didn't work this time, doctors doing their very best to save lives, and patients lay on the bed.

Paul handed me a cup of coffee, he can't go home without good news, I let him stay. "Do you know something?" I ask. I looked at him and he nod. "She told me everything when she goes to my houses, she's about to tell you but there is a celebration, so she waits until people go home. But this happens." He explained. "What do you know? Tell me"

"I'm sorry Ms. It is better if she tells it to you and explains everything so you would understand. It's not my story to tell." He said.

I stand up, walk back and forth. Biting my nails, hands on my chest. Every second my heart is aching for the news if she's okay or not. Everything that happen 6 years ago flashes to my mind. My mind can't control to think the worse scenarios could happen.

I can't help but blame myself for everything that I can't even control. I blame myself for neglecting her when there was something wrong with my child, I blame myself for those years she needs me I've been so selfish, I blame myself for being late. 

It the supposed to be one hour for waiting now we've been waiting for 3 fucking hours. My body can't handle this stress, no news or anything. Paul and Lizzie stay with me. My mom and hunter will be here too after taking care of the house.

"Family of Ada Johansson?" A doctor asks. I immediately stood up, "I'm her mother, how is she?" I ask. "I'm Doctor Maggie Pierce, companion doctor of Doctor Cristina Yang. I'm here to tell you that her heart condition got worse, her heart can't take the stress and her lungs almost give up. She's still in the operating room" she said. Has her heart condition gotten worse? What?

"Heart condition? What is her heart condition?" I inquired her. I wish I misheard it. "Heart failure. According to her chart, she's been diagnosed 4 months ago, she's in class 3 heart failure."

My heart skips a beat, my soul left my body, I stood there frozen in my spot. I can't process what she said. Is this the reason why when I get her she's in the hospital bed? That her doctor said it's confidential.

My knees got weak, thankfully Lizzie caught me right away. Paul helps me to sit in the chair. "Thank you, let us know if she's okay," Lizzie told her and go back to the operating room.

"Hey take a deep breath. Follow my breathing, Scarlett. Come on" she instructs and I obey. My thoughts are fighting in my mind, so many questions need an answer.

"That's right just follows my breathing" I calmed my mind. I need to be strong for my daughter. I have to be. She needs a mother right now. I won't leave her again.


Four hours passed, wear are still in the waiting area. Mom is here, worried about Ada's conditions. I took 3 cups of coffee. Lizzie is with me all the time, updating the cast.

A doctor walks on our way, she's Doctor Yang and Doctor Pierce. They are still in their surgical scrubs.

"She's stable for now, we got everything under control. Thank you for rushing her to the hospital right away. We keep an eye on her. You can see her in her room. Be aware that she's full of wires and tubes, helping her to breathe and keep her heart beating." She informed us. I hug her tight thanking her for saving my daughter's life.

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