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As soon as I could, I went to the Cullens' house. It has a large mason on the edge of town, well maintained. The roof didn't even have moss on it, and if you've ever lived in western Washington you know how rare that is. I pulled up in my pickup and waited a few moments before approaching the door. There were lights on so I assumed that at least some of the Cullens were home. I hoped they weren't all there, less chance of dying if I only had to deal with one of them.

I finally knocked and waited for a response. I figured that whoever of the clan that was home would have heard me arrive, but it was still polite not to walk in, and I didn't need to make them anymore mad than they already no were. Carlisle answered the door. He looked terrible, his eyes were bloodshot their usually gold color a deeper brown than I'd ever seen them. His normally perfectly groomed hair was grizzled and fell across his face in greasy strands, he'd obviously stopped shaving as there was the beginning of a beard growing on his chin. His clothing was old and almost dirty, his shirt was unbuttoned and looked vastly thrown on. He didn't even have sock on his feet. His skin was the same shockingly pale shade as I remembered, but this was not the same man I'd left on the side of the highway.

"Why shouldn't I kill you?" he sneered at me, barely opening the door enough for me to see him.

"You've stopped doing you job. There is a coven in town, caped out at the golf course as far as I can tell. I can't take them alone you know that. Help me. Please. They are killing innocent people who don't deserve to die."

"Ha." Carlisle scoffed, closing the door a fraction. "The mighty vampire slayer brought so low as to ask the very beasts he hunts for help."

I took a step forward, and did my best to look apologetic. "I know what I did was wrong. I though I was defending myself, and I was but I was wrong. I'm so sorry, and I know that isn't enough but listen to me-"

He cut me off with a finger in my chest. "You will never understand the pain you caused my family with your stupid experiment. And your fake apology isn't enough. We will help you get rid of this coven of yours, not for you, but because you're right. They are killing people unnecessarily, but after that you stay away from us. You don't come here again, you don't go near my children, and you find a new doctor because I never want to see your face again. Do you understand?"

I nodded and took a shake breath. The man I had broken nodded too and stepped back into his house. "We will meet you at the course at 6 pm tonight. Don't be late."


I wasn't late, but the Cullens were. I waited nervously by the end of the pick up, worried that should I take out my sword and wait somewhere else I might be a little conspicuous. Crazy as it sounds, a guy with a giant sword can be considered suspicious.

When they finally showed up I snapped to attention, practically buzzing with nervous energy. They stood before me in a line, all glowering except Carlisle who didn't even look at me. Instead he broke the silence, his words dripping in sarcasm. "You showed up. Great. Now we can get started."

I nodded and grabbed my sword out of the bed of the pickup. By the time I turned around the Cullens had scattered. Only Alice was there. She looked at me in puzzlement, like I was someone she recognized but couldn't put a name to. I looked at her questioningly, but she only shook her head and said, "Are you coming or not? I'm supposed to give you a ride since you mortals are ridiculously slow."

I was taken aback, and stuttered some gibberish before her words finally registered in my brain. "ye-yes I'm coming. Do I just, like, climb on piggy pack?"

She nodded and turned around for me. I awkwardly climbed on, trying my best not to stab her with my sword in the process. Then we were off, racing across the perfectly manicured lawns. She was heading for the centre of the woods she explained as she ran. The plan was to surround the base that the coven there and stage surprise attack. From the outside surrounding the camp we wound have the advantage of a surprise attack and be able to ensure the the entire coven was gone. None would be able to escape the trap we laid for them.

Alice let me off her back when we were near the camp.

"Don't make a sound." She hissed at me, and I nodded. Any sound could alert the enemy vampires to our presence and ruin the plan. I wouldn't light my sword until the battle started in Ernest so as not to give away my position. The vampire's sharp eyes could pick ut the light form the flames easily in the half darkness.

The Cullen's moved though the trees with a fluid grace that eluded me. I stayed put and waited for the signal. The signal was fighting starting but I sill had to wait for it. Finally it came and the woods erupted into movement and chaos. I lite my sword and charged in to the fray.

Charlie Swan: Vampire HunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon