♡~○Chapter 1○~♡ *edited*

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I was alone in this messed up world, I have been here long enough to know the way this world works, mostly from allies that took pity on me, and gave me things so I could survive. But in this world, it's kill or gets killed, and some people aren't so lovely.

I would use it to lure people in with my looks of distress, sadness, and worry, I know I'm a good actor.
I know it is bad to trick people like that, but a girl has to do what she has to do.
But that was a long time ago ever since iv been treated with love and respect I soon started to lose that little state of putting myself first.
Now all I wanted was a comfort that I never got when I was in the real world.
I never knew being in a place like this would bring back my inner child.

I was walking around the empty hallways of a building that basically the same as every other one besides what I was scouting to find, a weapon that I could use since the one I had before, I gave away to my older allies, which I haven't seen in forever I think they left me but I won't sit here and mope.

Plus I hated one of them she always wanted to be the center of attention and I'm not going to lie I was kinda jealous because they actually liked her, But enough about that I need to find something so I can protect myself.

As I'm walking, I hear footsteps in the distance, I stopped to debate if I should go to it to see if it was a person or a mask. I designed it to look but not go straight to it.

I looked around a corner to see them, and my eyes widened because it was not someone I could become an Allie with but none other than a mask a girl one, it look like she was in the army or something and I could tell she saw me because she took something off her belt and thrown it at me. I didn't see what it was because I was already running as fast as I could.

I heard a loud explosion behind which made me realize...that this mask was throwing bombs.
I was pretty far away from the mask but I could still hear her trying to catch up to me. I saw a few doors in the distance and hurried to the first one, I took my shoes and socks off getting ready to run when she opened the door since I run faster with them off.

If masks are smart she would open my door first, I lied down to look under the door and I saw her shadow coming towards my door, I quickly got up and in position ready to run.
The door swiftly swung open almost hitting me in my face. I crawled in between her legs getting trapped for a split second because of my backpack but got up and started to run again, but I heard a loud bang meaning she threw another bomb, it was so close to me that it pushed me forward and I hit my head and, gained a huge rug burn on my thigh and my knee's.
But I wasn't ready to die I got up and sprinted with the adrenaline I still had left, despite all the pain in my body. I made it far enough into another room after I think lost her and I stayed there for a while to rest my beating head and, stinging aching legs.

Flying On A Bullet Of Love. Highrise Invasion X Oc deep editingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant