Chapter 4

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Its been a few hours since me ,Maski, and Kuon meet, we were walking down a hallway together to find a room to stay in for the next few days, but stoped to take a rest for alittle while. "i never noticed but whats this right here"maski said slightly oblivious to rubbing his thumb over the rug burn on my thigh, makimg me winch in pain"Oh-Oh I'm so sorry, I-"before he could finish I said

"No it ok, your fine no need to worry, but it a rug burn I got from running away from a mask, throwing grenades, that surprisingly didnt do that much damage to the building, but it still kinda hurts"
"I have bandages in my bag if you want I can wrap it up for, only if your comfortable with me doing it"

"I'm sure she can do it herself, she's not a kid, right!?" I heard kuon say from behind sniper.
"Actually i'm not really that experience with things that have to do with medical help, so could you, please".
"For sure"he then started to pull cotton, and bandage, and some type of liquid out of a bag.
"I really dont have that many materials for this but, I can make it work"

No one POV
Sniper slightly lifted up her leg and placed it on his shoulder so he could wrap it from under the leg, he then put something on the cotton then put it on the burn making me jump slightly since it burned but, him keeping me in place by my ankle"Dont move yet" he told me quickly and sternly staying concentrated.

I can also tell that he's panicing, he probably thought i was gonna say no, but i found it kinda cute how he was so concentrated on helping me.

"Dont you think you can go a little faster, she not even that injured, it's not that serious, and I'm sleepy"i looked at her and rolled my eyes thinking :She is right I wasnt that bad of a injury but I was enjoying the moment of care.
and this girl really has an unhealthy obsession with this guy.

"Just be patient kuon, I'm gonna be done in a second"He then put some wrap around my thigh, and put tape on it,putting his fingers under the wrap to mask sure it wasn't to tight.

"Is it too tight, does it still hurt?"i answered "It stings, but other than that I can manage"
"Well stinging normal so I guess were done here,now kuon since your sleepy, let go find a room"

He said setting my leg down and standing up, then helping me up,"Why are you two ignoring me"Kuon said in a whiney voice, puffing up her cheeks and turning red

"Were not I swear, I was just helping her but we can go now that I'm finished, come on.

Katsumi POV-
We had just started walking me limping a little due tho the sting and stiffness"Do you want me to carry?"oh no it ok I can walk perfectly-"i said and right after I near face planted into the floor,"I then heard a deep chuckle, coming from maski"You sure you dont want me t-"

"She said no but you can carry me, I'm tired"she said wiping her eyes,and squishing his arm, and nozzleing her face in it. I'm gonna admit i am jealous that i didnt take up that offer, but I'm not gonna show it
"There's nothing wrong with your legs, I just asked her since she was lim-" and with that I tripped again falling on my knees, probably gonna form a bruise later

"You obviously need my help, just let me" He then bent down in front to me, and I still . And we started walking again with kuon still holding onto the inner part of his elbow, glaring at me from time to time.

<Let's just say you guys found a room and you feel asleep on the floor,so then sniper slept next to you, and kuon slept on sniper after she wanted to sleep in bed with him,
So it just turned into an little palette on the floor like a sleepover

And yea I know now that you dont have to cover a rug burn.

Flying On A Bullet Of Love. Highrise Invasion X Oc deep editingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon