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Life is like a game. A game that starts at birth and only concludes at life's very end. It's a game of choices, with each decision gradually shaping the future of the player. Time stand as a relentless opponent in this game, watching silently from the sidelines. Each player is given a set time, and it is up to them to determine how to use it. The rules of the game are simple— to live and die.

In this twisted game, life and death are the only two aspects that lie beyond the player's control. While the timing of death may be altered, it can never be completely evaded. Ultimately, death is an inevitable part of life's journey. The very essence of the game revolves entirely around this thing we call life. Life can take unexpected twists and turns, capable of molding each players' path, based on their choices. At times, the results may bring contentment, while in others the consequences can be unforgiving.

As I think about this game we call life, I try to locate the events that led to the undoing of my imperfect life. A minor hurdle that could explain when my life was thrown into a direction that was a contrasting mirror from the one I had been heading. Perhaps it was that morning when I chose to sleep in, or maybe if I had taken the time to thank the mailman that afternoon. I pondered if such seemingly trivial decisions could have wielded the power to alter the course of my fate.

I understand clearly that my current circumstances are a result of the choices I have made up until now. I find myself trapped as I lay beneath the man, determined to watch me crumble at his feet. Funny how quickly life can take an unforeseen turn. We often overlook the possibility that misfortune may just as easily await us in the shadows. Although we acknowledge the risks, we fail to fathom that one day the tables may turn, and we might just find ourself on the unfavorable side of the sword. It's a painful truth that only hits us when it's already too late.

I brought myself here. Imprisoned by my stubbornness. Blinded by my inability to see there was no winning in a one-sided battle. If time were to rewind and offer me a second chance, I would undoubtedly end up here again. Perhaps, I was behaving too naive. Foolish enough to take up a challenge where the odds were stacked against me, and to stand by my decision, even now. But isn't love in the heart of foolery?

In order to protect her, my one and only family, I was willing to play his game within an already cruel game, even if that meant losing both.

And like any game, life simply isn't fair.



It's been almost two years (I think) and I finally decided to continue writing Lethal. I gave up on this book after I got a case of writers block... I just couldn't find the passion to continue. It started to feel like I was writing because I had to. There was also a lot of things I had to adjust to in my life and the last thing on my mind was to update.

Now that the explanation is over, let's get into what I plan to do with Lethal. I will be rewriting Lethal. My writing has kinda developed over the past two years and as I was rereading the first couple of chapters, I noticed a handful of grammar errors. Also, when I had decided to work on Lethal again, I couldn't go from where I left off. I found it difficult to just jump in and continue from where I was years ago. That's why I will be rewriting Lethal completely.

As for the plot, it will remain the same. I will be changing the chapters completely and will likely add additional information, but all of my characters will still be there, and for the most part, will remain the same. Though I can say, the direction I was heading towards when I first started writing Lethal, is definitely different now.

I wouldn't recommend skipping the first new five chapters because they will be different than the previous five chapters. You will be missing pieces of the plot if you think it will include the same information as before.

Anyways, I apologize to all my readers for going MIA, but I promise to make it up to you. Thanks to all of you who has waited patiently until now. Please don't hesitate to ask question and, if you don't mind, I would like to see which direction you guys think I should go with Lethal. It will help with inspiration for the next few chapters;)

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