Moon Drop x Sun Man (Idk)

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The game isn't even out yet, how are people shipping them? They could be siblings for all we know, or minors. It's not like it's the worst ship though either, I just wouldn't ship them until we have more info on them. It's cute in a way? I mean I get it with them being opposites. (The sun and moon) but like, ehhhhhh.

Uh so anyways,


Art by: kate-painter (Fri

(Woah it's been a year, hi! Is anyone still reading this? I'm kind've out of the FNAF fandom now, Scott leavening and growing up really screwed me up. I'm still trying to get over Scott...we'll miss you! Anyways I'll list off the fandoms I'm in now if anyones interested lmao.)




-Genshin Impact

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