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Elliya is a girl, who is 18 and Daya is nonbinary and 19.
Just wanted to clarify that, so it doesn't get confusing. Have fun reading<3

"So what do you think, love?", Elliya asked Daya, who was looking her up and down with a smile.

"Absolutely gorgeous", they answered  and pulled her in for a kiss.

Elliya lightly pushed them away, which the brown haired gave a confusing look to. "You're gonna get the dress dirty", she exclaimed with a smirk on her lips. "Later, baby"

Elliya spinned around, making the dress flutter. The dress they were talking about was a long, dark blue backless dress, with lots of tull under the skirt and shimmering top. Elliya loved it, same as Daya.

They were going on a date in four days, it was their three year anniversary and Daya had planned something special for their girlfriend, that's why they took Elliya shopping for a dress. Elliya didn't know the reason they were shopping for a dress, but she was happy about it and honestly, she didn't really care about it either.

Elliya went back inside the dressing room to change, while Daya waited for her.

"I'm ready, babe", she said a few minutes later, holding the dress up, so it doesn't touch the ground. Daya laughed at the picture.

"Dayaa", their girlfriend complained. "I don't want it to get dirty"

"Sure, baby. Let's go", Daya said grinning.

They paid for the dress, got it packed in a big plastic bag, and went outside to their car, to get home.


At home Elliya let herself fall on the couch and closed her eyes.

"Tired, love?", Daya asked with a smirk and laid on top of their girlfriend, holding up their upper body, so they don't crush her.

"No", Elliya anwered with a yawn.

"Of course not. Wanna go to sleep or eat first?",Daya asked, smiling lovingly.

"Wanna sleep", she yawned again.

Daya got up and held her hand out for  Elliya. The redhead didn't care to grab it, so Daya decided to just carry her.

Elliya smiled and cuddled against their chest. In the bed Daya spooned Elliya. She fell asleep soon after.

Daya stroke their hand through her hair and just watched her sleep.

Elliya's calm face, the slightly parted lips, the red hair, which was laying wild over the pillow. The way her lashes threw light shadows on her cheekbones, the way her chest rose and sunk.

Daya turned to lay on the back and stared at the ceiling. They felt their thoughts take over them.

You're not good enough.

Why would Elliya ever really want to be with you?

Ugly, not worth it, youre too skinny, your hair is too frizzy.

You will never get anything right.

Elliya hates you.

With the last thought they sat up and turned to their sleeping girlfriend.

Daya shook her by the shoulder to wake her up. She opened her eyes and sat up.

"The thoughts again?", Elliya said in a calming voice. Daya just nodded with tears in their eyes. "C'mere", she said and opened her arms.

"Do you hate me, Elli?", they whispered, voice breaking mid sentence.

"Heyy, of course I don't. Babe, I could never hate you, okay? Never, never, never",she smiled lovingly and kissed her Daya on the lips.

"Go to sleep again, you need it", Daya said after a while of cuddling and kissing.

"Yeah, probably. I love you", Elliya agreed.

When they laid down again, facing eachother this time, Elliya took a while to fall asleep. Daya didn't. As always. They just laid there, watching their girlfriend, imagining the date in a few days and trying not to get overwhelmed by the thoughts.

It kinda worked. Here and there was a  negative thought, but they managed to push it away, imagined every second of their date, every detail that would happen, how Elliya would look like with her hair done and the gorgeous dress, the shoes, the makeup. What Daya would wear, the suit, the shoes, the hair. The location, the decoration, the music, the weather, the food.


Some of their friends are going to set up everything a few hours before, then Daya will tell Elliya about the date. They hoped the surprise will be great.

What if Elliya will hate it?

The 19 year old took a deep breath. "She won't. She'll love it", they whispered to themselves. She will love it. They were sure.

Daya turned to look at their girlfriend again. Elliya changed her position, she was laying on her stomach, arms supporting her head, one leg pulled up to her chest, lightly snoring.

Daya got up. They went downstairs and made a cup of tea. Then they sat down on the sofa, sipping on the tea, talking out their thoughts.

For you :) lokishornyantlers

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