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"I love you", Elliya whispered and stroke her hand through Daya's short hair.


She woke up from her nap from hearing water splash.

"What are you doing, love?", she shouted, hearing footsteps after. Elliya smirked when Daya walked in, already knowing what Daya was up to.

"You're awake", Daya noticed, planting a kiss on Elliya's forehead.

"That doesn't answer my question", Elliya said jokingly.

"I'm letting in a bath, I wanted to have a bath now, actually", they answered.

"Can I join?" Daya let out a laugh and nodded.

Elliya got ready while Daya went back to the bathroom, making the tub ready and putting a bathbomb and scents in the water. Then Elliya came into the bathroom.

Daya looked at her and nodded towards the tub. They were standing inside the tub already, holding out their hand out for Elliya.

Elliya took it, carefully stepping in the hot water, shimmering gold from the bathbomb.

She pulled Daya in for a short kiss and then sat down together. Elliya leaning on the rim of the tub, Daya between her legs, their back against Elliya's stomach, their head leaned backwards onto her shoulder.

Elliya took a bit of the foam and put it on Daya's head, smiling 'cause it looked cute. Daya shook their head, so their curls and the foam flew in all directions.

Elliya turned her head away, trying to prevent the foam to fly into her face.

For revenge Daya splashed water in Elliya's face and poured it onto her head.

They laughed and proceeded to just lay there, one of them telling a joke every now and then.

"You know what?", Elliya said after while. "What, love?", Daya asked back.

"Thank you. Thank you for being here with me, thank you for listening, thank you for not dragging me out of bed to do something, even when it happens more often now. Thank you for just accepting me for who I am or what I want to do, thanks for supporting me, thank you for... everything. Thank you for saving me so many times already"

"I love you, of course I will be there with you and listen, why wouldn't I? And why would I not accept and support you? I love you so much and I always will. And I will always be there for you", they answered, slightly smiling, brushing a strand of hair out of Elliya's face.

She pulled them in for a kiss.

When their fingers started to wrinkle, they got out of the bathtub and showered. They shampooed eachothers hair and body, then got out and dryed themselves off.

After they put on some clothes, they went downstairs. Daya suggested to bake something together and Elliya agreed. She put out the ingredients while Daya mixed them together. They haven't done this in a while, so it took a bit longer, but they didn't care.

About 20 minutes later the kitchen counter was a huge mess, eggshells laying around, partly crumbled, partly with a bit of the egg still inside, flour everywhere, even on the floor and many used tools. But the dough for the cake they wanted to make was good actually- they tried it a few times- and now the cake was in the oven.

Both of them didn't feel like cleaning up, so Daya set a timer on their phone and they went to sit on the sofa, watching some random show. Elliya didn't actually pay attention to it, it just was nice to have some noise in the background.

Daya did, she liked the show. Elliya just watched Daya.

She loved them, she really did. And she felt sorry that she wasn't like she was when they met.

Daya was always there for Elliya, but she felt like she wasn't for Daya. Even though Daya never complained, everybody's not feeling well sometimes, right?

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