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"Hey, it's okay, yeah? You don't-", Daya tried to comfort her, she didn't need to tell them.

Elliya cut them off.

"No, babe. We'd need to talk about all this some time anyway"

Daya nodded. She was right.

They sat in silence for a few minutes- they felt like hours, honestly- then Elliya decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry, Daya. I'm sorry that I don't smile back anymore, that I don't talk that much anymore, that all this happened. I know it's my fault. And I know you'll say it's not, but if I had pulled myself together and worked on it we wouldn't be here now. Like this. In this situation, you know? I didn't want it to become that bad. I didn't know it would. But it did and I'm sorry"

Daya nodded. Elliya didn't need to specify what it was. "It's totally not your fault, it's okay when you're not able to pull yourself alone out of this. I would've helped you when I knew how. But I didn't. It hurt seeing you like that. That you wouldn't talk to me. Or smile at me. But if you tell me how to help...", they stopped talking, knowing that it was hard for Elliya telling them how to help, when she didn't know either.

"Yeah, I know. I don't-", she began, but interrupted herself when she didn't know what to say.

They stayed silent again.

After another five minutes Elliya stood up, excusing herself to go to their bedroom. Daya just nodded.

"I love you"

Daya looked up at Elliya. They heard these words now for the first time in a week.

"I love you more", they responded, smiling slightly.

And Elliya smiled back, then turned around and left the room.


Elliya stayed in there for the rest of the day. Daya didn't question it.

They just sat on the sofa, reading, listening to music and went for a walk.

At about 10pm Daya went upstairs, knocking slightly on the bedroom door, then opening it. They didn't see Elliya stuffing a piece of paper under her pillow.

"Daya, I didn't hear you come in", she overplayed it. Daya furrowed their brows, but shook it off right after.

They let out a little laugh and got ready for going to bed. Elliya did the same, but not without glancing over to her pillow everytime Daya would come near it.

Finally in bed they cuddled up together again, Elliya nuzzling her face into Daya's neck.

"Daya, I love you. Don't forget that, yeah?", Elliya mumbled.

Daya turned around, so they could look at Elliya properly.

"Are you okay, love?", they asked, looking concerned.

She nodded, trying to hide her face, unsuccessfully. Daya carefully grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at them.

"You're not" was the only thing they said. Elliya kept quiet.

Daya didn't say anything else, the silence coming from their girlfriend just proved their point. They slid closer towards her and hugged her tightly.

Elliya sighed and just let them hug her.

She stroke her hand over their back, as if she was trying to say 'it's okay'.

After a while Daya noticed Elliya's breath steadying. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping.

They brushed their fingertips over her cheekbones. She was gorgeous.

Her eyelids fluttered.

Daya smiled slightly and brushed a hairstrand out of her face.

They really loved her. She was their world.

Another fifteen minutes later they slept in as well.

That one's a bit shorter, sorry, but here you go haha

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