The Experiment

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"As I said my name wasn't always A. It used to be 93125, well Subject 93125 to be exact. The reason was because I used to..." (sighs) (mumbles) "get experimented..." (sighs) (mutters to self) "It's ok A, he isn't here no more..." (A shakes his head) "ACK! Sorry 'bout that, it's just this is kinda hard to explain. When I was 5 years old, I got taken by this scientist, never said his name tho, so let's call him Doc. Doc wasn't the kindest person ever- he was more of a dick. Like, he never gave us food, clothes, bedding, or made us feel loved. Doc gave us water but no food, if he did it was scraps of food. He ran test on us 24/7, and I mean 24/7. You're probably wondering what I mean by US. There were 5 Subjects in total before we went out separate ways. We have me, Subject 93125, Subject 90152, Subject 12953, Subject 40632, and last, Subject 10251. But..." (sighs) "getting tested is the worse thing ever. We would always be in our personal rooms, but we would be strapped to tables so we couldn't move, and we would have shock collars on so if we would misbehave, we would be shocked. Let me tell that fucking hurts like hell. That shit wasn't on no low ass setting either, it was at MAX, which is like 3000 volts. You might be wondering how I know the other Subjects, it's because we talk through the vents A LOT. But, with getting tested, let's say lots of pricks, shocks, bruises, hits, even shots. These shots made me who I am right now, God does the list go on forever." (A uses his fingers to count how many shots). "There is like 20 some shots but 5 I remember. I'll tell you about the 5 later. Each shot has a different affect for each one, but I'll say the names. The names are Nitro Glycerin, Hardening, Demonic Crisis, Angelic, and Speed Demon. But let's talk about the shots later and let's talk about what happens after the shots are in affect. What happens after the shots get in affect is we get tests run on us based on the shots we get. So, after there are tests like water breath, fire breath, explosions, earth, and many more, but it you didn't pass one test..." (A starts shaking) (he mutters) "you get murdered..." (A starts to calm himself down and stops shaking after 10 minutes). I'll talk about the tests later, but first let's get onto the shots." (A sighs)

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