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"The 5 shots like I said before are Demonic Crisis, Angelic, Speed Demon, Nitro Glycerin, and Hardening. After the shots take affect, it takes an hour or 2, then the tests take place. With me and the shots I got tests- well they were different, WAY different. The first test is based off the Demonic Crisis shot. The Demonic Crisis is why I have a demon tail and horn. After the shot got its affects, the tests happened..." (sighs) "With the first shot, there is a test called Hell. Even though all the tests are hell, this test is based off Hell so for starters we have fire, heat, pits off Hell, lava, and more things like that. I did EVERYTHING from Hell, well all the fire related things. Next one was the Angelic shot. This test is based off flight. What happens is there were obstacles and I had to fly past them or another thing was they threw obstacles at me to see my reflects in the sky. Like bro, they trying to kill me!!!" (Mutters) "well that's what they tried doing anyways so..." (A shakes his head) "ACK! Sorry, I tend to mutter to myself about things like my Uncle Izuku, you may know him as Deku, but that's a different story. Then there is the Speed Demon shot. They wanted to know how fast I can go on land and in the sky. I got 2 seconds on the ground of 25 miles and 1 second in 25 in the sky. Last we have the last 2 infused. They didn't know what to do so they put rocks down. You already know the rest of it."

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