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"Since I'm done talking about the fucking damn time I got experimented, let's talk about my traumatic experiences, my triggers. My first trigger is loud noises. I've hated loud noises since I was little, mainly because my biological mom and dad shot each other because they are assassins and they have guns on them 24/7, then they fought and..." (sound of guns go in A's mind and made him start shaking) "h-how they died..." (A thinks to himself that he is ok) (sighs) "My next trigger is thunder and lightning. I've hated thunder first before lightning, thunder reminds me of gunshots- and lightning- well I got struck by lightning so that why I hate lighting. Third is Public Speaking. Ever since my old school I've been bullied so I feel like if I speak people will judge what I say, #SocialAnxiety. Fourth is physical contact because I've been shoved, pushed, kicked, punched, and beaten, even in a relationship an ex boyfriend abused me. It wasn't the best experience but my Uncle Shigaraki disintegrated him. (Smiles) Last trigger is being in a relationship they get taken from me. EVERY DAMN RELATIONSHIP IM IN!!" (A breaths to calm down) "But let's talk about something that won't piss me the fuck off."

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