Red velvet is kinda...😳😳😳(p4)

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(Okay, but he is kinda......and also, I know all of the last chapter was in licorice POV, I just didn't know a good point to change it, and this story will be starting out with licorice POV too, but I promise I'll do more y/n POV, my apologies, also, song is my castle town by Toby fox!!:)
                     LICORICE POV
"So this is what you were hiding?" Red velvet said in a disappointed tone. He was standing next to the couch which held both y/n and poison.
"L-look, I can explain-" I was cutoff.
"No need, poison explained enough." He looks at poison, who is sitting next to y/n, which is visibly uncomfortable. god this is embarrassing.
"Look, they were hurt, and what else was I supposed to do, leave them there to die?"
"THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO!" Red yelled back. He slowly walks up to me and talks low but stern, "no matter how hard I try to look out for you, you always fuck up again, and I'm not going to save your ass this time around." Red velvet starts to head out the door, but he looks back, and says:
"You never learn, do you?" And then continues out the door. I just stand in disbelief. Hes right,I never do learn? I stare at poison mushroom,
"what did you say?" I try my best to hide my angered tone, but man, am I at the end of my rope.
"I-I was walking back, and, I... I thought I should tell red velvet about our adventure.....I-im sorry, I thought I was being nice." Poisons voice quivered as they explained, their normally smiling face filled with regret.
"Oh my god...." I rubbed the bridge of my nose, I know I couldn't blame them, they didn't know any better, but it's hard to keep calm at a time like this. " to your room?"
"O-okay" he walked out with a worried expression on his face. as soon as I closed the door behind him, I walked straight past y/n and onto my bed.
                          Y/N POV
Damnit, I thought to myself, why couldn't I just have died in that forest, maybe no one would be in this situation if I did.
I tried to think of something to lighten the mood, but after that, that would be damn near impossible. I feel like I should apologize, but how would I even go about that? I was always bad at working through my emotions, I always felt the need to distract myself or help other people to ignore my own hurt, but when the days done, I am still weak for it, it is still my fault. Now, i cannot do anything but face my own emotions. Man, it's childish, but for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop it! Idiotic, right? God, I need to get out of my own head.
I still can't shake the feeling that I need to apologize, I mean, it's kind of awkward to just go up and say, sorry for causing you to lose someone who you seemed to like very much, but it's your fault for picking me up, so too bad I guess. I don't want to seem insensitive by not apologizing but I don't want to not say anything. Fuck it, I'm just going to go up and apologize, I shouldn't have to be responsible for anyone else's feelings, especially if it hurts me, if I feel like it's best for me, I should just do it.
I get up from the couch, which again lets out a painful squelch in return. I try to slowly push myself onto my feet, but as I get onto my foot, I collapse back onto the couch. I must do this. I slowly get back onto my feet , using the couch to support most of my weight. The pain of walking was almost unbearable, but it was too late to turn back. Heh, so much for the 'especially if it hurts me' part. As I slowly maneuver my way to licorice's bed, he turns around.
"Could you have been any louder?" He asks, annoyed.
"Look, I just wanted to apologize for the hassle I caused, you didn't have to bring me back, yet you did, and I find that highly admirable." I was about to turn back around and find my way to the couch, but after a few second, he replied.
"All that effort just to say that?" He chuckled, it felt disingenuous, but it was something. Good, at least he's laughing.. I think?
"Anyways, I just wanted to say that, I am forever indebted to you, like that red guy said, you really should've left me there, but you really do have a heart!" I turn back around with a toothy grin, but when I open my eyes back up, he had an expression of which I had never seen. It seemed like a mix of anger, disbelief, yet slightly flustered. Suddenly, I realize that it was probably a mistake. "I-I'll just head back to bed. Sorry." I start limping back towards the couch. Why did I think that was okay, I had seen his reaction before, why didn't I just stop myself, UGH, I'm so dumb.
As I make my way back to the couch, I sit down and cover myself with a blanket, I start to slowly doze off.
                   (Second person)
The screams are louder than ever. You look around and see the vaguely familiar faces, with tears in their eyes, beg for your help.
"PLEASE, HELP US!" They yell in your direction, their voices filled with pain.
You felt so powerless. So feeble. So....
So useless.

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