Chapter 49 Hear Me

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The noise of rushing water became louder as she continues to take steps towards her answers. As soon as her feet felt the cold touch of the concrete ground, she stopped on the edge of the bridge and took in the scenery in front of her.

An entrance to a kingdom filled with intricate organic details that somewhat looked like trees themselves carved in its columns. Massive blue gates that separate the filthy forest from the inside. Her eyes scanned the doors for some time. She then went closer to it and placed her hand as she closed her eyes.

"Will I find my answers here?" Amaya asked as she felt and envision the whole kingdom in her mind.

As she opened her eyes, her hand went through the massive gates. She stepped in and a dark intimidating hall welcomed her eyes. Then a memory flashed again.

She found herself in the same gates, looking out to the vastness of the forest. Then a white horse snorted and came forward beside her.

She looked up to the rider and all she seen is a figure. An ellon wearing a circlet over his silvery hair armed with a sword and invulnerable armour that shines like no other. Though the face is not clearly seen, she felt familiar to him. She can feel his eyes on her.

Amaya blinked and the dark halls took over her vision again.

"Who are you?" She asked again and proceeded to strode inside the kingdom. As she went deeper into the halls, she find herself in a bridge made of roots connecting the halls into what seems like a throne. She stopped for a while to take in the sight, it was a massive open throne, looking down to the rest of its realm.

And then suddenly she heard Thorin's voice, getting louder and louder after each word, "I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us!"

"Thranduil..." the name echoed in her mind. She heard it before, her forehead crumpled in the attempt to remember something. And she did, that name was in her vision back in Rivendell. Amaya's stream of thoughts was haulted as Thorin shrilled sounding more upset than before as he approached the Elven King, "You lack all honor! I've seen how you treat your friends. We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!"

She quickly flew to where Thorin was having a conversation with someone. She landed behind the upset Thorin and her eyes was immediately glued to the tall and proud ellon infront of them. While the ellon's eyes are getting wider in disbelief to each word Thorin spewed.

"Imrid amrad ursul!" [Translation: Die a death of flames!] Shouted with all his anger. The king got so upset and stick his face to Thorin, intimidating him, "Do not talk to me of dragon fire. I know its wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north." And as he spoke, scars appeared covering half of his face and the left eye blinded.

Amaya froze to the sight. Everything went silent. Things seemed to slow down and then Something clicked inside her. And she started to feel great agony in her heart. It hurts like it was stumped by a thousand feet. She fell on her knees, crumpling her chest. She have not felt it before, to say the least for as long as she can remember. She started to get teary eyes as the pain refused to subside. She stayed there struggling and doing very heavy breaths in hopes to stop the pain.

The time seemed to resume to normal and she finally started to hear her surrounding again. "I am patient. I can wait." Thranduil asserted as Thorin was carried away to the prison cell. Leaving the King and the unseen spirit alone in the throne.

Amaya looked up to the throne and stared at the Elven King who seemed to have got upset by the conversation that just happened. The pain slowly and slowly went away she was catching her breath. She slowly stood up fixating her eyes to the eyes of the ellon in front of her. Her mind full of questions.

"Thranduil.... Why do I know your name? Why was it in my vision?" These questions flooded her mind on repeat.

Before drowning in her thoughts completely, she finally manage to form words on her lips. "Who are you to cause me an agonizing pain?" Amaya tried to speak but it came out like a whisper.

Thranduil was surprised and his eyes wandered swiftly around the throne and tried to look for something.

To look for the voice.

Amaya seemed to not notice what happened, continued her questions, "Do you know me?" She hardly asked as she closed her eyes and looked down as she felt really exhausted.

Thranduil heard it again and it confirmed it for him. He did heard something the first time. He was not going crazy.

"Who are you? Show yourself at once!" Thranduil commanded and he stood up from his seat.

Amaya raised her eyes back to him in surprise  and disbelief. He heard her. Someone finally heard her.

"You can hear me?" She asked in disbelief and flew closer to him.

Thranduil still figuring it out, continues to look around to find where it is coming from.

"Softly but clearly," he answered doubtedly while his eyes is still wandering. All his anger towards the dwarf disappeared.

Amaya let go of a huge breath as she slowly went down to where he was standing. She can feel her eyes getting warmer.

"You asked who Am I? What mystery my name brings upon you?" Thranduil tried to keep the conversation going.

"Your name, I have known but I have no true memories of it." Amaya weakly answered as she rested down the platform of the throne. She can feel her knees so weak and her chest still left aching.

"I see. Perhaps, We have met before." Thranduil uttered as his doubts started to leave his mind. He felt something he did not expect talking to an unseen being, he felt familiar, he felt in peace. He thought she sound really dear to his heart.

"That I am not so sure. I do not recall being here in this world." Amaya looked up to him as he paced with his eyes still examining the space trying to learn where it's coming from.

"You have not mentioned your name. Possibly, I can recall." He persuaded despite his disappointment from her answer. He is dying to know the voice. He stopped pacing infront of where Amaya is.

Amaya stood up, too close to him. She can feel his breath on her face and the King can finally felt the presence. They somehow felt the connection.

Amaya eyes traced the ellon's face. From his parted cold lips, his perfectly sculpted nose and she was taken aback when her gaze landed on his. It was like they were looking on each other's eyes.

Amaya's knees felt weary suddenly, but it's not because of some pain but she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Amaya......" she stuttered as she blinked and looked away from his stare.

"That's my name." She continued and stepped back away from him.

Thranduil felt chills down his spine.

"How could this ha.......," Thranduil implored but was cut off to the elleth's voice screaming and disappearing.

Thranduil swifted his sight all over the space in an attempt to trace where the voice disappeared into. Questions flooded his mind as his sight and hearing tracks the voice. But he failed. The voice was gone. Silence then took over the massive empty hall.

He fell down to his throne seat and stayed stunned. Breathing becoming heavy as his mind tried to understand what just happened.
As the time pass by, his head started to hurt and he massaged his temple as he tried to recall the voice inside his head. His thoughts were running wild, but the longer it takes, doubts came rushing in again. 

"Did that really happen or it's just my mind playing with me." Thranduil thought to himself. 
"With my great desire to be with her again, I guess my mind could not help it." He continued as he leaned back on his throne and let go of a deep breath.

-Author's Note-
Hello everybody! Yay! Finally made some progress to this story. How are you all been doing? I hope you are still enjoying this piece and I would like to thank you all for your continuous support. I can't thank you enough.

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