Chapter 18 Live!

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On their way back, no one spoke a word. And Thranduil worrying about the lady in her arms. Amaya still struggled from the pain inside her.

They almost reached the bridge to the kingdoms gate when a poor and exhausted ellon blocked their way. Panting for air, sweats dripping down his face and his whole body trembling. The ellon came from the north.

Amaya weakly looked the exhausted ellon.

"My King and Queen, I know it is not the right time to ask, but please help my village!" The ellon cried.

"I.......i Am not the qu...een," Amaya mumbled but her voice wasn't heard by the ellon. Only Thranduil heard it.

"Don't overdo yourself, Amaya," Thranduil stopped her.

"Please, save my village." The ellon kneeled in front of them.

"Tell me quickly what happened, someone is in need of rest," Thranduil commanded.

"I'm from a village near the Greylin, along the forest river. Awful creatures are starting to emerge from the mountains. I'm afraid it will soon took over and spread. Please save us," The ellon cried.

Thranduil can't believe what he have heard. Darkness is really moving in shadows towards his realm. He deeply think what to do.

"Help them Thranduil.... They're ....they are your kin," Amaya spoke weakly with her eyes closed.

"We will send troops, for my realm's and your aid, but it will take few days to get my army ready," Thranduil declared. The ellon's blood was revive for his village will be save. Thranduil commanded some guards to offer the ellon food, clothes and shelter.

They entered the kingdom's gate. Namariél came running to the gates as the horns were blown for the return of the king. Her heart shattered to witness Thranduil really looked for her, found her and held her in his arms. She hold up her tears and smiled to the king.

The healers took Amaya from the king and Namariél approached him.

"Are you alright, King Thranduil?" She asked.

"I am totally fine, how about you, My Lady?" Thranduil answered as he dismounted the horse and took a walk with her.

"Glad to hear that. Well, I am always fine, my Lord," she smiled at him.


Amaya woke up by night, she's alone inside her chamber. She walk out her chamber and went to the garden and stayed there. She sat next to the statues and meditates. She thought, 'I have to gather up enough strength to save my new light,' and he held her abdomen and tears fell down. 'How I wish, you can be with me my new light, but I'm too weak. ' she cried even more.

"Amaya, what are you doing here?" Lathiel came and gave Amaya cloth and covered her body.

"Why am I born like this?" Amaya cried and hugged Lathiel. She cried herself out. Lathiel saw the mark under her dress, she didn't saw it before, eventhough she is the only one who saw Amaya's body and her true self.

"You are unique, Amaya," Lathiel tried to comfort her.

"Unique? Not able to bear a child inside me, is that what you call unique, Lathiel?" Amaya looked at Lathiel's eyes. The healer was surprised to hear it.

"You are bearing a child? Is it Thranduil's?" Lathiel felt an unexplainable feeling, would she be happy or worried.

Amaya cried even more hearing the king's name. "On night of the feast, he was slightly drunk and I was so drunk, I don't know how it happen, we let our emotions drive ourselves and end up making bond, Lathiel. I am such a reckless light. I don't know what to do!" Amaya mumbled and sobs.

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