Autumn secrets (pt.1)

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(Wilbur is on a walk in the forest when he finds something unusual)

The autumn breeze graced the air as Wilbur strolled through the forest, every step he takes making a crunching noise from the fallen leaves beneath his boots.

The trees surrounding him were oak trees, nothing special yet they always made Wilbur feel relaxed. It was like they were talking to him, reassuring him on all his worries.

Suddenly, Wilbur felt a peculiar shape beneath his feet. Kneeling down and picking up a few leaves, he finds a key. The top of the key had cross bones engraved on it while the end looked like it would fit in some sort of lock or safe.

On the key, in small fine writing was a set of numbers, coordinates.

Following a map he brought from a nearby tourist shop, he soon arrived at the coordinates location. To his left was a river running along the forest edge while to his right was the old cottage the mayor used to own before the incident as the townsfolk called it.

Walking into the cottage his eyes drift to the disturbed floor boards of the first and second step of the charred stairs.

Lifting up the black plank, revealed a large box, big enough that 2 dogs could fit inside. Heaving the box out of the hole and outside, Wilbur finally saw the keyhole.

Trying to remember where he put the Key, Wilbur pat down his pockets until he found it in his back left pocket.

Inserting the key, Wilbur turns it anti-clockwise. The box makes a click noise, signalling its unlocked. Lighting the lid Wilbur finds somethings never would have imagined.


Dragging the box behind him, Wilbur enters the garage of his shared house, his family currently out at work.

Sat on an old, red carpet, Wilbur opens the lid again to find a young child, around the age of 6, curled up tight.

Said child had dirty, blood-stained, blond hair with small red horns on his head and a thin, wire-like tail with a spike at the and wrapped around him.

How long has this child been asleep thought Wilbur as he lifted the blond up and lay him on the old leather couch that his father insisted on keeping in the garage.

What normally wakes someone up? Wilbur though as he looked around the room for something useful.

In the far right corner was a bucket of water, that's it. Now I know what your thinking, you don't just dump a bucket of water on a child, but he hadn't woken up during the rough travel home.

Lifting the bucket above the boy, he tips it over. The boy stirs but he didn't except a sizzling noise to occur.

"Shit" the brunette whispered as he checked over the boy. His horns and tail were blistering as well as some red patches forming on his skin.

The boy starts crying, the pain being to much for only just waking up. Opening his tear filled eyes, he spots wilbur almost immediately.

Letting out a cry of fear this time, the boy backs away. His hands gripped his hair in a way that have him reassurance that he was awake.

Wilbur kneeled down, hands up in surrender as he let the boy observe him for any possible threats. Once deemed unthreatening, the boys hands were removed and tears wiped.

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