Blood stains and whiskey bottles

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(Tubbo and tommy die during final battle)

The sound of a portal echoed through the obsidian halls as shocked gasps were released.

On the ground below a grinning, maskless dream, lay 2 teens. Theirs hands held each another's as blood dripped down the slashed is their chests.

A distraught scream-like yell originated from a certain dual coloured teen as he rushed the the sides of the dead boys.


Opening his eyes, (I though I died), tubbo looks around. He's in a bar, there was 7 booths and a bar counter with 5 stools and Wilbur was the bar tender.

Looking to his left, he walked over to a disturbed tommy. They sat in a booth furthest away from the bar, as that's where schlatt sat drinking whiskey with Wilbur.

The bar smelled like alchahol and cigarettes, a smell both boys were used to from being around the older pair.

Tubbo found a game of chess in a compartment under the benches so him and tommy chose their colour and played their turn

"Checkmate" Tommy stated with a grin as he took one of tubbos white pawns.


2 child ghosts skipped around the SMP, hand in hand as the waved to those they passed.

The kid ghosts were a rare sight on the SMP, both being incredibly shy. The only ones having ever seen them were eret, Phil, puffy and ranboo. (As well as ghostbur and glatt)

Both ghosts were around 6 years old and wouldn't leave each other's sides. They were stuck like glue.

As the ghost kids skipped down prime path, they found something peculiar. Off to the side, was a herd of horses. In the herd, off to the side, was 2 foals.

The first one was black with white socks and looked to be around 10 months old.

The other one was golden with white socks and a stripe down it's nose, and was also around 10 months old.

The ghosts walked(floated) up the the foals. They decided they needed to keep them after a run round the field with the foals.

Ghostinnit (or toms as he likes to be called) called his feather, while Ghostbo (or tubs as he likes to be called) named his ender.

That's the story of toms and tubs

You really thinks that's the end?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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