Chapter 16: Sage of the Forest

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            The lift lowered into an octagonal stone chamber

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The lift lowered into an octagonal stone chamber. Torches were on every other wall on carved braziers that cast strange shadows on the blue carpet that lined the room. As the fires moved it made shapes like branches of leaves on the ground, mimicking shadows cast by sunlight through the forest outside.

It almost felt peaceful, quiet, but there was a feeling of darkness coming from the long hall in front of him. As Link brushed his hand against the archway that led to the hall, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Link." Nothing more than that, but it was enough to get him to turn around.

Looking back he saw another alcove, a small chamber on the other side of the room with a box in the center. "What's that?" Navi asked, following his gaze.

"Did you hear that?" Link asked. "The voice?"

"What voice?"

Link crossed the room, walking around the lift. The box in the other chamber was a blue chest with gold markings. A symbol was marked on it's top, the same medallion as he saw in the Sacred Realm. This one had four wisps of wind, as opposed to the markings in the rest of the temple that only had three.

"This must be more recent than the temple," Link said aloud, voicing his thoughts. "I think the temple itself was made first, when the symbol was still three markings. After it was changed to four the chamber in the Sacred Realm was constructed, and then this was put here."

"How do you know that?" Navi asked, standing on top of the small marking on the chest.

"Cause the temple looks way older than anything else," Link explained. "And I know the Sacred Realm must be too, but this chest looks more recent and it matches the markings in the Sacred Realm. So clearly they both came after the temple. Why it was changed at all I have no idea."

Navi tapped the marking with her feet. "Does it matter? We're not here for archeology are we?"

"No," Link raised an eyebrow. "I guess not."

He knelt down and cracked open the chest. It might have appeared new, but the lock was either flimsier than it should've been, or too old to stay locked. Either way it opened... and sitting inside was a bow and a quiver full of arrows. He recognized them only as something that something the Know-It-All brothers had made, but theirs was more crude. This... It was polished wood, sturdy, with metal bracers on either side of the grip.

Link picked them up, staring in disbelief. "Whoa... I... I don't even know how to use these."

Navi giggled with excitement. "You don't have to!" she exclaimed. "This is perfect! We found out the other day -- w-e-hu -- earlier, that I can move things a little, redirect their aim!"

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