Chapter 11: Death Boy

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Every time I closed my eyes I saw Will Solace.

What was I thinking? I ran my hands through my hair and sat beside my bed with my knees up to my chest and my hand on my face. I am an idiot.

What am I? 14. Wow. How old is Will anyway? What if he's way older or something?! I groaned and pulled my hair. The pain helped me concentrate a little.

I like Will. A lot, and it's obvious he likes me too. Why, I have no idea. Percy knows and he's still being an idiot about the ‘not my type’ thing. Despite myself, I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Though I went back to pulling my hair when I remembered that he's going to talk to Reyna, which is a terrible idea.

She'll probably kill Will first. Then kill me. Then Percy. Then she'll get Will and kill him again. Then she'll have a long long long talk to me and Will about boyfriends and protection. I shuddered. Wow, I really am an idiot.

I bit my lip and tried to forget everything. Will's tan chest. His soft lips. The way his hips felt against mine...

I jumped up and hit my head. Too much thinking, Nico. I looked around for my regular black T-shirt and jeans when I realized that I was still in the room at the informatory. Ugh, looks like I'm going to have to get out of here and go outside after all. Hopefully no one noticed I was sick and sleeping for three days. Last thing I need right now is attention.

I went to the bathroom in the corner of the room and splashed some water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pale and skinny. My eyes looked like they were dung deep in my skull and my cheekbones stuck out. I was way to skinny and ugly. Again, I wondered what Will saw in me. Sighing, I turned away from the mirror and slipped my shoes on. I walked to the door that connected the room to the informatory. This was the only was for me to get out from this room. This was so irritating because that meant that I had to pass by all the other rooms and possibly other healers. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

It looked more or less the same as the last night when I woke up. White and clean and— and, doctor-like? I quickly closed the door behind me and kept my head down; practically running down the hallway and chanting in my head ‘I am not here. Do not notice me’. Of course, my wishes were not obeyed.


I winced, rolled me eyes, sighed, and looked up to see Annabeth Chase running toward me, her blond hair and big orange T-shirt trailing behind her. She had a huge smile on her face and gave me a big hug when she was in range of me.

For a girl, she was really strong. “Annabeth— please... You're killing me.” I chocked and she released me with an apologetic smile, but not before nearly breaking my ribs.

“Sorry. I remember,” She nodded “you don't like touch.” Suddenly I was reminded about the earlier events with Will and I blushed.

Thankfully, Annabeth didn't notice. “It's just that we were so worried about you. And after loosing Leo....” Her smile was wiped from her face and she bit her lip and srunched her eyebrows. She didn't have to continue. I understood. It feels like forever since the last time I've seen that idiot. I liked him, not in a romantic way. He was like me, broken.

The weird thing was, I didn't feel his death. Usually when someone died it felt like someone drenched me with cold water. Like I was covered in darkness. This didn't happen with Leo. I even tried raising his soul to see if I could talk to him, but no luck. Who knows, maybe he is still alive somewhere. I shook my head, no the dragon exploded. No way he's still alive. But he was fire-proof, I argued. But— Nico, stop talking to yourself and talk to Annabeth. Maybe you could get her to leave you alone so you could go to your cabin.

I nodded and recalled Annabeth's words. ‘We were so worried about you’. We?

I looked up at Annabeth to see her staring back at me with a confused look on her face. Ooops, I probably zoned-out for too long. “Annabeth?”

She smiled and took a breath. “yeah?”

“Whose 'we'?” I asked.

She shook her head and laughed. “Don't you know? The whole camps been waiting for you to wake up. Everyone thought you were going to die.” She said a matter-of-factly. Then recounted her words and gave me another apologetic smile.

I blinked and let her words sink in. The whole camps been waiting for you to wake up. Everyone thought you were going to die. What happened? Will didn't tell me anything. Though, that could've been because his lips were a little preoccupied. Blushing again, I pushed Will out of my mind. Why does he keep creaping into my thoughts?

Remembering Annabeth in front of me and the question that has been bouncing around my head, I whispered.

“Annabeth, what happened to me?”

Hello guys! It's Valentina.

I just wanted to say Happy April Fools day! Hope you tricked and pranked a ton of people today, I know I did. ;)

I was thinking of making a chapter for April Fools and trick you guys but I decided against it.

*shrugs* Aww well.

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