Chapter 6: Sunshine

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I walked over to Nico, a little disappointed and a little happy at the same time. Happy that I finally get to talk to Nico but disappointed that he didn't come talk to me earlier. But then again, maybe he was just busy. Or maybe he was just waiting for me to talk to him. No Will, don't get your hopes up.

I smiled brightly when I reached his table and looked at his face hoping for a smile to appear on his lips. It didn't.

"I said hello Nico. What's the nice thing to do when someone says hello to you?" I studied his face and my heart dropped when he just blankly stared at me. Like he was looking right through me. Did last night mean nothing?

I sighed and looked down at my feet. This is ackward. Would it be too late to leave?

While I was debating that, I heard a whisper. "Hello." It was so soft and quiet that i almost didn't hear it. "And don't call me death boy."

I smiled so big that I thought me face would break. I quickly looked up at Nico's face. There wasn't exactly a smile on his face but there was a ghost of one and that was good enough for me.

"Nah, I like death boy. It suits you." I shrugged. My heart was pounding and what for? We weren't doing anything.

Nico looked down and....... blushed? No, I probably was just imagining. It was silent for a moment but it felt like forever.

I rested my hands on the table and looked over at Nico. His dark hair was messy and long enough that it covered up part of his eyes. He was staring down at the table and is face was still slightly red. One side of his mouth was turned up in a smile. Was I really seeing what I thought I was seeing?!?! Nico di Angelo was smiling. I felt my heart leap and I wondered if Nico was smiling because of me. Maybe, just maybe.

"So Nico, what's up?"

He slowly looked up and some of his hair slid down his face allowing me to see his eyes. They were dark brown and filled with something. What was that emotion? Oh yeah, regret.

"Mount Olympus." I blinked. In another sistuation I would have laughed but Nico's smile was gone and his voice was sharp and sarcastic. It kind of hurt to be honest. But why? I have only known him for a few days. That kiss meant nothing. He didn't care.

I sighed again and tried to keep my smile on. "Ha ha" I replied sarcasticlly. He squinted his eyes and looked really confused. That made me mad because can't he see? Doesn't he know? Is he- oh gods. What if he isn't? What if he's disgusted at me for kissing him? I tried to imagine being a normal straight guy like I'm supposed to be and I tried to imagine another guy coming up to me and kissing me while I'm broken and sad and bleeding. He probably hates me. He was hurting and instead of helping him like I should have, I kissed him. What kind person was I when I ju-

"Will?" His words dragged me out of my thoughts and back into reality. He looked really confused and kinda worried. "Are you okay Will?"

I stared at his face and snapped. "Yes! Why wouldn't I be?!". I knew I shouldn't yell at him. It's not his fault I'm an idiot. Plus, he's already depressed, he doesn't need be making things worse.

Nico face didn't change much but he did flinch which made me very sad. I should apologize. I really should. I could feel Nicos eyes burning into mine. It hurt. It hurt so much.

Nico stared at me for a while then he looked down at the table. I wondered what I should say. I had to say something. Better to say too much than not say anything at all. I was about to open my mouth and pour out all my heart out hoping that it would cheer Nico up but right then, he stood up and started walking away. He didn't say a word but I did see a single tear stream down his face when he turned away. I went too far. I went waaaaaaaaaaay too far.

"Nico wait!" I tried to grab his wrist but he shoved my hand off and sulked toward the forest. Should I follow him? I stared after Nico debating this when I realized that I had no choice but to follow him and let me tell you, it wasn't easy. Neeks was really fast for a small skinny boy.

I wished I was as fast as Nico because when he stepped into the forest he sprinted around the trees and I lost him. After a while, I gave up on running and tried took catch my breath. I bet people were probably wondering where we were. But who cares? Right now I just need to make sure Nico is okay.

I kept my eyes trained on the ground so I wouldn't trip over a tree root or something and I listened to the crunching of leaves. I couldn't even hear other footsteps, it was like Nico just dispeared. I thought dawned on me, what if he tried to shadow traveled again?! There was a very high chance that if Nico ever tried that again anytime soon he would die. That was a very scary thought and it added a stream of energy into my system. I ran through the woods scraping my limbs on tree branches and plants and stuff but I really didn't care. This was my fault. I need to fix this.

I kept on walking for some time. A long time, but I really didn't notice because I was too focused on the thought of finding Nico. By now I had decided that I should try to be more careful because my shirt was ripped and my arm had a big gash from my elbow to my wrist. I could have easily used my powers to heal myself but I decided that if Nico was hurt, I'd need all the energy to heal him and not me. I probably would have kept on looking forever but that wasn't nessesary because as I looked around a tree I saw him.


He was crumbled on the floor and his face was a sickly pale green. I ran over to him and felt for his pulse. To my relief he had one, but it was very faint. As if threatning to stop at any moment.

He didn't seem to have any wounds or cuts besides the ones on his wrist - I suddered when I recalled that memory - and the ones from the battle recently. I held his hand tightly and channelled my powers into him. I smiled as color filled his face again and his pulse grew stronger but even with the things I had done, Nico was still in pretty bad shape. Actually no, he was in bad shape before. Now he's....... not good, not good at all. I needed to get him to the informatory again so I can heal him properly.

I scouped him up in my arms and he was surprisingly light. Though I didn't expect him to be heavy considering I knew he was very skinny and short. I held him carefully, like a glass doll. He looked so fragile. One of my arms was holding his knees and the other was under his neck holding him against my chest. His head rolled to the side and I saw Nicos eyes twitch before slowly opening. "Will?"

"Nico" I smiled. Smiled so big my face felt like it would split in half. He was so sweet. I liked him. A lot.

"Are you okay Nico?" My eyes scanned his face while I ran through the woods weaving around trees and plants.

Nicos eyes closed and he looked so tired. So so tired. "No, I feel like shit."

Despite the given situation, I laughed. "That's no way to speak Nico. What would your father say when he found out that you were using foul language in front of the person trying to save your life?" I broke through the trees then and made my way to the informatory.

"Will????..." I looked down quickly in concern. He sounded weak and tired and hurt and sad and mad and in pain.

"Yes Nico?" He didn't reply. "Nico?!" I tried to keep the desperation and worry out of my voice with no success. I never did get a reply though because right then, Nico vomited blood all over me.

I gasped in surprise but that only lasted for a second. I ran to informatory as fast as I could when I was carrying a skinny emo kid. "Nico?! Neeks?! Can you hear me?! Nico?!!!!!!"

I felt a tear run down my face as I ran through the camp and finally got to the informatory. "Nico?!" A few people came over to help me with Nico and they asked me what happened but I didn't saw anything. I couldn't say anything. I felt myself tear in half.

I didn't change out of my clothes even though it was ripped and covered in blood. Nico's blood.

I leaned close to his ear and whispered softly "I love you.... Death boy......."

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