Boat Exploring

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You were absolutely terrified. Flashlight in hand you began calling out for Jones. You heard a noise behind you and did a 180 to see if anyone was behind you. No one was there. As you were about to turn around you bumped into someone and jumped back a few inches. It's like your gun teleported into your hand because in one swift movement it was pointing at the thing in front of you.

"Break yoself fool!" You shouted.

"Woah Y/N! Relax girl, it's just me!" Jones exclaimed. "Now put that away 'fore you kill someone."

You put your gun away, embarrassed at the fact you could've killed your partner. He looked at your body language and rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad you were able to quickly protect yourself though. Next time, just make sure it's not me you're aiming at."

You smiled at him and nodded with an "Ok." Together you both explored the burnt boat hand in hand. Any sudden noise would make you squeeze his hand and he'd pull you close. You held the flashlight while he had his gun just in case. As you walked you could still faintly hear Drix soothing the sore throat, but you tried not to focus on that too much. You wanted to make sure you and your partner didn't die.

Your flashlight was pointed at the wall, examining all the cracks in the boat. Jones let go of your hand and went to touch some glowy thing amidst the cracks. Just as he was about to poke it he stepped in not one but two sticky things.

"Ah! Not my suedes!"

While Jones was worrying about his shoes you saw some object covered in grime. You both made eye contact and you quickly looked at the thing on the ground and back at him without moving your head. He saw what you were referring to on the floor and he bent down and wiped it with his hand, you pointing the flashlight at it.

"What the dilly?"


Both you and Jones jumped and gasped at the same time. Jones fiddled with his gun even though it was in his hand. He pulled you against the wall with him and started to breathe heavily. You gulped and looked back at him, shaking your head no. He stared back and nodded back yes. In return you let your head drop and groaned. He grabbed your hand again and jumped from behind the wall, progressing further into the destroyed boat.

A few minutes went by with nothing, until you pointed the flashlight in a specific hole. The area was filled with screams as a small green germ jumped right onto Jones' face. The poor cell trashed around desperately trying to pry the thing off while it pleaded for him to not shoot.

You grabbed it by its eye that was atop its head, like a snail, and threw him away from Jones, wiping your hand on his jacket after. Jones cornered it with his gun and it started speaking, obviously terrified.

"La muerte, man! ¡Está aquí! He's going to kill us dead, hombre!"

Jones put his gun down and bent to his level. "No, no! Talk English, man! We ain't on Telemundo here!"

"La muerte roja! He's coming, man! I..saw..him!" The germ stated as he started growing multiple eyes all over his body with his last sentence.

A rumbling erupted and it turned out to be Drix and his freezy cannon. You grabbed Jones, and dragged him away from the icy shot. You tripped on something and because you were carrying Jones, he fell on top of you. You both made it, unfortunately the germ did not.

Jones immediately got off of you, enraged. You sat up to see the yellow and red man himself singing what seems to be a theme song?

"This bitch."

Jones stomped over to him, interrupting his moment. "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm soothing the irritation! Were you soothing Y/N's?" He smirked evilly.

"I heard that you big-bodied bitch!" You shouted, still sitting on the ground. "Damn it's cold." You mumbled, hugging yourself tightly.

"Asshole! You just soothed my witness into a germsicle!"

Drix tapped on the poor cell, revealing his frozen body still in a state of terror.

"Oh..oh gosh. Well, don't worry. He'll be back to normal in a few days." Drix said as he nonchalantly walked away.

Jones followed right behind him. "A few days is too late! He might have some important information on what went down here!"

Drix stopped dead in his bubbly tracks and turned around to look at Jones.
"Officer nothing went down here, this is just a common sore throat."

You had finally gotten up and walked towards them a little while ago, standing a foot away from them.

"This is a crime scene!" Drix just cocked his cannon with an attitude and floated away.

"Yo, you wanna do something useful? Go plug some turtle wax into that thing and wash my car!" Drix was already gone at that point but Jones continued to sulk. He picked up the germ and cringed at it.

"Now, that's inflammation relief."

"When the fuck did he get here?"

Jones snapped towards Doug then dapped him up. "Later, Doug." "Be cool, Oz."

You quickly speedwalked to Ozzy after locking eyes with Doug.

"Why do I keep having staring contests with these motherfuckers." You gritted your teeth.

Once you and Jones got back to the car you sat in it waiting for Drix to finish what he was doing. It was mostly silent, not awkward at least. You looked in the backseat and saw the germ. You decided to spark up a conversation about that.

"Do you think it's dead?" You looked up at him.

He darted his eyes towards you and blinked. "Nah. Drips said he should be back to normal in a fEw DaYs." He mocked. "Fuckin' asshole." He mumbled.

"After this I might head over to the Lower East Backside and get a bite to eat. I'm starving." He leans back in his seat.

"Sounds like a plan." You smiled at him. You looked back at the windshield and closed your eyes. You started thinking about when he was on top of you. You think he remembers that?

"Probably not. He seemed too mad to even realize he was on me."

But he did. He replayed the memory in his head. He cursed at himself for not looking a little more. He wants you under him again.

You fidgeted with your fingers and looked at him out of your peripheral view. His elbow was leaning against the door, holding his jaw in his hand, brows furrowed. You decided it was rude to stare so you quickly looked away. It was silent again.



"Hello I'm done!" Drix said with a smile.

"Whatever. Y/N, baby, hop in the backseat will ya? Thanks babe." You sat there looking at him, confused. "What?" "Girl just get your ass in the back." You punched his stomach, hard, as you crawled your way into the backseat. He pushed your ass, literally, and you fell onto the seats in front of you.

"Pull that shut again n' watch me key this bitch." "Ooo! I fuckin' dare you."

You smiled at each other for a second before turning your heads towards Drix.

"Get in the damn car, I gotta do a thing."

Drix finally fit himself into the car and finally you were leaving the throat. "Finally, it was freezing." "You coulda asked for my jacket, you know?"

"Then how would you stay warm?" You questioned. "You could've held me~"

"Please stop flirting or I will jump out the car."

"Good!" You and Jones shouted in unison.

Osmosis Jones x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now