Happy Ending

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"He's not coming back..he's not gonna make it..." Leah grieved and hugged Drix for comfort. That's what made you lose it.

"Not with an attitude like that!" You turned and pointed to her. "Not with... Oh, Fuck! Osmosis!" You fell to your knees. Your tears had started to come back. Your mild anger was overrun by sadness, cheeks that will be forever stained by the river of water that had flown down them.

Frank was dead. And what made it worse was you could hear Shane apologizing for everything she had done. Jones was gone. You didn't even give a proper goodbye.

When you looked up you saw something burning its way into Frank's mouth. You quickly jumped and avoided it, covering your head. You heard a splash and when you looked back..there he was.

"Osmosis!" You quickly got up and ran to him. You sat on your knees right in front of him. For a while he was unresponsive. Everyone else had joined you to get a good look at him. You kept hesitating on if you should touch him or not.

Then you felt a pressure on your thighs. He laid his head on them and opened his eyes, looking directly at you. "Ozzy..." You rasped happily as he opened his hand to reveal the chain.

"Get that thing to the hypothalamus now!" The chief shouted. Officers rushed to take it back to where it belongs, while you and Drix stayed to make sure he was ok. Once he was able to stand on his own, the chief had announced that Jones would be honored for saving the city of Frank.

"Oh, wow! Congratulations, Osmosis!" You smiled and shook him softly.

"Well done, partner!"

"I couldn't have done it without my partner and my girlfriend." Jones smirked at you.

You bit your lip with excitement and proceeded to cover the lower half of your flustered face.

Chief interrupted by telling the three of you to quickly go to city hall. You drove there, not wanting Jones to be behind the wheel after all he did. He started describing his battle with Thrax.

"Then he fell into a giant glass of alcohol! Dude slowly disintegrated. Was horrible to witness."

"Yowch. I couldn't imagine. Sounded like it hurt." You said, picturing the horrific scene.

"Looked like it too!"

Once you got there, the podium that Jones was to speak on was crowded with reporters, officers, and citizens ready to thank and congratulate Jones. There was even confetti frying when Jones stepped up to the stand. You stood in the middle of Drix and Jones looking at the crowd.

"You're gonna have to talk to my new partners." Was what you heard. You looked at Jones and the chief and smiled awkwardly.

"If you feel like hanging around for a little while." He said towards Drix.

"But my work visa's expired."

"Well, we'll go down to the hemorrhoid and get you a good lawyer."

After a moment with Drix, it was your turn. You pulled him close to to avert his attention from the big pill.

"Come here, baby~ I'm still jonesing for a little more Osmosis~" you winked, it was your turn to pull him into a kiss. He pulled you in closer and you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. You could hear the crowd cheer louder, but all you could keep your focus on was kissing the cell of your dreams.

Mayor Phlegmming had lost the election and was rumored to have accidentally farted himself out of Frank's body. As for you, you had stayed in a relationship with Osmosis for years until he had finally proposed to you. You moved in together and accidentally had a little cell to call your own. Frank stayed healthy thanks to the new mayor and all was good in the city.

Osmosis Jones x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now