Pt. 1 All Might's Successor

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A normal day in the school of UA, not so normal for one man, one man named Mirio Togata.

He strutted through the halls of UA, going to see Sir Nighteye, All Might and principal Nezu.

He got into the office and took a seat when Nezu motioned.

Nezu: There's a lot of good news. That's all I have to say.

Nighteye: We'll start with the lesser piece.

At that moment, Tamaki and the periwinkle haired girl he had tried to talk to for the last thirty minutes came through the door.

Mirio: Tamaki!

Tamaki: Mirio!

The two of them did the handshake from Predator, and Tamaki sat down next to Mirio.

The two of them did the handshake from Predator, and Tamaki sat down next to Mirio

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This one.

The girl sat down next to him, her thigh slightly touching his own. He broke into a sweat, being the nervous little bean he is.

She didn't seem to notice, thankfully.

Nezu: Do you know why I called you three here?

Tamaki: A-are we i-in trouble?

Nezu: Of course not! You three, are about to go into your third year, you have proven to be a good three to be called the most powerful students in the school. Enough to call yourselves...

???: Wait a minute.

The periwinkle haired girl beside Tamaki who he still didn't know the name of, piped up.

???: Aren't the three most powerful third years traditionally called the Big Three, and paraded around as UA's best even though I can name about four students who could probably kick my ass if they wanted to go all out?

Tamaki: W-what are y-you talking about?

He said, tensing up.

Tamaki: I've seen you fight, you destroy everyone.

???: Aww thanks. You look like a little kitten, you know that?

Tamaki: R-really? I guess you could call me that.

???: Really? Aww. You're so sweet. Say, what's your-?

Mirio put his hand over her mouth, raising his shoulders and placing them back down, indicating for her to slow down.

Nezu: Their dynamic is interesting.

Nighteye: I'd say so too.

???: Wait. So, okay. What's your name?

Tamaki: I'm Tamaki Amajiki. You can call me whatever.

???: Really? Well, I'm Nejire Hado. Nice to meet ya.

He looked at her stunning beauty with longing eyes, not that she saw.

Tamaki: Nejire, huh? That's a really nice name.

Mirio: Anyways, so, you mean we're all going to be in the Big Three?

Nezu: You'd be right saying that.

Tamaki: We're the Big Three now?

All Might: Also, we would like to speak with young Togata. You're free to have the day to yourselves.

Nezu: There's tea and biscuits outside, if you would like, oh yes, Hado I made that jasmine tea you love so much as well.

Nejire: You always know everyone's favourites.

Tamaki and Nejire walked outside.


All Might: Mirio, um, I've made a mistake.

Mirio: What's the trouble?

All Might: You know how I've been training a kid called Izuku Midoriya after he showed real guts back there?

Mirio: Oh yeah. You were talking about him.

All Might: He's been overworking himself, I don't think he'll be ready to take One For All when it's time.

Mirio: That is a big trouble.

Nighteye: To be frank, I don't even know what he saw in this Izuku kid, he's untrained, he won't be able to handle it unlike you, and he's overworking himself.

Mirio: I have heard some great stuff from him, he has the heart of a hero, and besides, if he does pull through, he'll be betrayed if you give it to say, me.

All Might: He won't. He's destroying himself, there's no way he'll make it, he has the heart of a hero, but having that only gets you so far.

Mirio: What have you been thinking?

All Might: Young Togata, can I trust you to give it to him if he does make it?

Mirio: Sure! Hey, you don't have to feel guilty about it though.

All Might: All right.

Mirio: Anyways, I have this theory that the previous users' quirks are hidden inside, locked away. So if Izuku can have Permeation, that'll be even better.

All Might laughs heartily before returning to his solemn tone.

All Might: I've told you enough times that it's not like that. At least not to what I've found.


Nejire: Apparently we're gonna live together or something, I mean, it's just a third year thing at the moment.
A/N: I have a hard time believing that Nezu said, "hey Shitass Wanna see me build a set of dorms," and then did a speed run.

Tamaki: Yeah. A dorm for the Big Three. That's, um, exciting.

Nejire: You don't sound excited. You okay? You need me to back off?

Tamaki: No no. I like your company.

He stammered, almost putting a hand on her shoulder. Realising what he did, he froze up, with shoulders nearing his jaw.

Nejire: It's okay. I can deal with that. Okay?

She lightly brushes his arm, snapping him out.

Nejire: I actually like it. Okay? Don't be afraid of a hug if you need it. Are you scared? You need me to stop?

A/N: By far, the most anime accurate Nejire I've written, with a little bit of fanfic interpretation.

He fumbled his words, trying to tell her what he meant.

Tamaki: N-n ah no. I-I'm fine.

Nejire brings her hands up to her neck area, a few inches in front, she lifts her shoulders, wanting him to take a deep breath.

He does so, holding it for a few seconds before she brings her hands and shoulders back down.

Nejire: Better?

Tamaki: Um. Ah-

Nejire: Take your time. Slow down.

Tamaki: Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm just a nervous wreck.

Nejire: That's okay.

She brushed his midnight blue hair behind his head, and hummed a little melody to calm him down.

Tamaki: Thanks. I don't even know why I get like this. It must be really annoying-

Nejire: It's fine.


All Might: Alright, well, eat this, I guess. And come to Izuku's last training session so you can do this for him.

He takes a piece of hair and waves it in front. Mirio takes it and swallows the strand.

Nezu: Wonderful.

He said sarcastically.

Nezu: I'm glad it came from your head or we'd have some issues.

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