Trouble With Babysitting/ Pupsitting

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Georgie sighs as she looks at the checklist the mom had made she had no experience of taking care of a baby. She read books about it, and took the babysitting course because,  apparently, "A young lady works with babies not with animals." Georgie rolls her eyes as Georgie sighs at remembering the words. Before looking at a baby she would pick an animal over a baby any day.

"Alright Liam, I have no idea how to take care of you, but I'm going to try my best okay." Georgie says before getting an idea. She just hoped that white cat she called hers was around somewhere. She then gently carried Liam outside and called out, "Jenna, come here." The white cat who was resting on the fence just quickly came to Georgie.

"What do you need?" The cat meows out stretching her front paw out. Liam just giggled at the white cat who instantly looks up at Georgie. "Oh no, two puppies are enough. You're not going to adopt some child too! Or are you trying to get yourself killed?"  Jenna asks Georgie who rolls her eyes.

"Trust me Jenna I'm not taking this child home with me. I have enough on my plate with two puppies. I just need  help with communication." Georgie reassures the cat who just nods.

"Okay as long as we're not taking him home with us." Jenna says before looking at the child. "Hi I'm Jenna, what is your name?" Jenna asks cautiously.

"I Liam, wha you name?" The child asks the cat who sighs rolling her eyes looking at  Georgie as she watches  her.

"I'm  Jenna. That's my owner Georgie. Do you need anything? " The cat questions as Liam shook his head  no.


Lily was working  at the animal shelter  holding  onto the two puppies. She was not messing it up this time. She needed Georgie  to trust her with them. "Alright  you two, you're going  to have to behave otherwise  Georgie  will kill me when I get home." Lily told the puppy who nods.

"You heard her Rascal, no funny business! " Brook sass says cheekily  as Rascal groand rolling her eyes playfully  at her twin.

"Look at the one speaking  Brook. Don't act all sweet and innocent  you're  just as mischievous  as I." Rascals says causing  the two puppies  to  start play fighting.

Lily  just went to check on the puppies in the pound and feed them. She loved her job even though  she wasn't  a big of a snicker for puppies and dogs as Georgie  was she still loved them. She especially  loved theirs although  they were a pain in the neck to take care of at times. She did likeRascal more though.  Rascal was more like her while Brook reminded  her of Georgie  a lot.


"Ugh, you take care of five week old puppies! How can you not figure out how to take care of a baby?" Jenna remarks  irritably  at Georgie  who was trying  to find formula which was literally  right in front of her. 

"I'm  not a baby person,  and have only a little bit of experience  with them. Go easy on me Jenna!" Georgie  says with a groan as the white cat huffs biting on Georgie's shirt. 

"You fed the puppy bottles for three week and now they're finally getting  on solid food. Just think of this baby as Brook and Rascal feeding. It is basically  the same, and you know how to change diapers and keep people alive. So you're good again, just think like he's  Rascal. " Jenna says as Georgie  nods finally grabbing  the formula  and heating  it up. She could do this.


"Tascal don't  you dare think about  it." Lily says as she watches Rascal  who was getting  right underneath  Caramel's hooves. Rascal just  smirked continuing to do it as Brook rolls her eyes.

"Rascal,  I'm  going  to step on you if you don't stop." Caramel nickers warning to the puppy who scoffs still continuing to run between her legs, "Alright that's  enough." Caramel says madly before  stopping  and picking  the Yorkie  up gently  with her teeth. Caramel than put Rascal  in her saddle bag.

"Hey!" Rascal squeaks indignantly as Caramel rolls her eyes fondly  at the puppy who was growing  on her like a wart. Caramel was not one for anything  smaller than her. She was a wald horse. Who was stubborn. She even gave Lily  a run for her money. That's why they were paired, but their was something  about  this pup, she was snarky and independent, and a stubborn  trouble maker too. She would  fit in Lily's  family. Just like Brook would fit perfectly  with Georgie's. 

"Oh hush." Caramel says before haunting faster as Rascal hangs out of the saddle bag tail lolling happily. 

"Alright  time to get back to work." Lily says as the puppy  in the saddlebag groans when Lily  picks her up.


"I'm  surprised  this place, and our puppies are in one piece. " Georgie  says riding in after a long day of watching  the baby. She was honestly  shock that nothing was on fire and everything  looked perfectly  fine. 

"Why are you so surprised? " Lily asks with a smirk as Georgie  playfully  yet irritably rolls her eyes. 

"Maybe because  the last time I left you  alone with the puppies there was permanent  marker everywhere, and you had left Caramel, a horse in charge. No offense Caramel." Georgie  says and Lily  rolls her eyes.

"It was only  once, trust me I learned my lesson." Lily says as she didn't  like an angry Georgie. Georgie just  smiles at her slightly  intimidated friend.

"Good  now let's get to sleep we have another full day tomorrow." Georgie says as Lily nods looking  at the darkness  outside and then to the sleeping  puppies.

"Sounds like a plan. Goodnight  G." Lily says going  into the tent and setting  in on her air mattress. Georgie  just smiles doing  the same as she grabs her jaguar stuffed animal she slept with sometimes.

"Goodnight  Lily  see you in the morning. "

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