Just Want To Go Home

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It all happened  to fast one minute the puppies were listening  to a story Grandpa Stitch was telling them. The next a teenage girl that certainly  wasn't  one of their owners had taken them and Stitch was barking  for help. They were then transferred to the people that Georgie  and Lily always warned them about  and they started squirming and biting at the captors. They just wanted to stay with their owners. "Let us go, let us go, let us go!" They bark out persistently  before the woman smacks  them causing  them to whimper.

Hush it mutts Georgie  and Lily don't  want you anymore. They never had, they just felt sorry for you. They were always planning  to sell you for money since you are worth quite a bit they never loved you." Georgie's  mother said Brook just growls not believing  a word she says as  she trusted  the person that saved her. Her mother, her friend,  her family this was some random person she barely knew and Georgie  despised.

It seemed to have broken through  Rascal's  tough barrier  though as she just whimpers.  "What if she was right, what if they only saved us for the money they would  get for us once we grew, what if their love was just a show." Rascal barks out nervously  as Brook shakes her head resolutely. 

"Why would  you even think that! Why would you ever question  their love for us. They love us Lily loves  you! She's  lying. She stole us from the only family  we knew. She is the one selling  us for the money. Don't  listen to her. You know Georgie  and Lily despise her." Brook barks as Rascal nods her younger sister was right. 


It was super loud and Brook and Rascal had no idea where they were going  on this metal winged thing. All they knew is that they were alone and going  farther away from where their owners were. "I want down! I want to go home." Brook whimpers  out as Rascal just curls up closer. 

"I know sis, I do too, but we're going  farther away how are we ever going  to get home now?" Rascal  asks as Brook sighs looking at her paws.

"I don't  know, but Georgie  will find us. I just know she will. They wouldn't  let us go without  a fight. They love us and so do our animal friends, Nova, Caramel, Grandpa Stitch, Jenna and Binx. They all won't  stop, I just know it." Brook barks confidently Rascal  just sighs she really hoped her sister was right. She really  hoped Lily and Georgie  would find them for all of their sakes.


They arrived in a sunny and sandy area and were handed to two young adults.  Were smiling  at them. "Aw hello you two are so cute, yes you are, yes you are." One crooned and both Brook and Rasca looked at each other in disgust. These girls were nothing  like Lily and Georgie. They were baby talkers, the worst kind of dog owners out there. Brook and Rascal had heard of them, and met them, but thankfully  Georgie  and Lily were not one of them and talked to them as if they were actually  humans.

They just continue  to look around  for any way to get back to their old owners they loved dearly and away from the baby talkers. This was not going  to be the life for them. They wanted to go home to the desert. To horse riding  and the smell of makeup and the stale smell that could only describe  Arizona. This place smelled  a lot less earthy and more fresh which would take the puppies  time to get used to. They didn't  want to get use to it. 

Rascal just looks at Brook  then back at these random ladies hesitantly  before  huddling  closer to her sister protectively  and for the sweet stability  and sweetness that her younger sister provided. Rascal knew this was bad, she knew there was a possibility  that their original  owners may never find them, or even wanted them. She worried just like Brook  and longed to be in Lily's  arms or Carmel's  gentle teeth being scolded for doing  something  stupid, or listening  to Georgie  read at night although  she would never admit to Brook that she liked. 

She just wanted to go home, but she was the older sister she had to protect them. She had to be rational. Although  she was scared of this new place and these new people. She then looks  at Brook again. As long as she and her sister were together. She knew everything  would be okay it had to be. She had to be strong  for her sister no matter what.

"Ras, I'm  really scared! I want Georgie,  I  want Arizona,  I  want to go home!" Brook says whimpering.  Rascal just nuzzles Brook before  finding  two things she had grabbed before  they hadn't one being  Lily's  stuffed lizard Rascal used as a chew toy, and Brooks unicorn stuffed animal that smells exactly  like Georgie. 

"It's  going  to be okay Brook, come on let's  introduce  ourselves who knows maybe they're nice." Rascal says, nudging  her sister out of the crate, their chew toys  right beside them. And they were still side by side. Making  sure these two people knew they were a packaged deal, and they were not going  to be taken away from one another. They had already  left their mother, their friends and their old home. There was no way in hell they were losing each other.

"Come on cuties it is time to go home. You are going to love it." One of them said and Rascal looked at Brook they highly doubted that. This was never going  to be their home. Not if they had anything  to say about it, but they let the two young adults lead the way anyway not knowing  what else to do at the moment. 


Later that night they lay at their seaside apartment  looking  out the window across the shore now a sigh. Across the wide lake as their owner. They don't  know how they're going  to get back, but they had to. They needed Georgie  and Lily. Rascal curls around her sister tighter. "I love you Brook and don't  worry  we'll  get home someday, and I will keep you safe always." Rascals says Brook falls to sleep, but Rascal  couldn't  she just wanted to go home

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