Starting Doubts

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Two week later Georgie  hears a familiar  whinny outside her window, and sighs, petting Jenna who looks at Georgie worriedly. "Nova I don't  want to go on a ride!" Georgie  calls out before  noticing  Lily.

Lily does not say a word at first just looking  up to Georgie's  window as the horse whinnies again as Georgie  had not come out for a ride since the incident happened and Nova missed being ridden almost  as much as she missed  the pups.

"Georgie  please come down we've  got some news please let's just go for a ride!" Lily calls out worry clearly in her voice. Georgie  sighs grabbing  her cat and whistling for Nova to come closer and then carefully  climbs out of the room using a tree to get a little further down. Before jumping  onto the horse.

"So what's  so important ?" Georgie  asks in confusion   as she puts Jenna in the saddle bag just like she used to do with Brook and Rascal and immediately  shakes off the thought.

"We are going  to make Brook and Rascal!" Lily says excitedly  as Georgie  just looks at her in confusion not getting  why they were doing  this at all, and how Lily seemed to be her excitable  self despite  the circumstances. 

"Lily what the heck are you talking about? " Georgie  asked in complete  confusion  as Lily just smiled while pulling up a website on her phone and Georgie  immediately  recognized it. "Lily we're  too old for this." Georgie  says as Lily rolls her eyes grabbing  Georgie's  arms as their horses  trot side by side.

"C'mon it'll  be fun, plus you need to get out. You haven't  been outside  of your house other than to do work in a week, much less talk to anyone or enjoy yourself. Plus this will help I know it!" Lily says excitedly  as Georgie  gives a small and quiet  chuckle at her best friend's  antics. Lily always knew how to make her smile, and she was glad that Lily still had that energy  although  it seemed to be a bit strained.

"And how do you suggest  we pay for it? We need  all the money  to pay for the stables. " Georgie  says as  Lily smiles.

"Ethan's  mother  suggested  it and gave us more than  enough. She said we  should get out and enjoy  ourselves  for a bit. So stop worrying  and come on." Lily says as Georgie  just follows Lily and Caramel.


They ended up at the mall half an hour later despite Georgie's reluctance  and eventually found the Build A Bear. It wasn't  busy at the moment  and they went in to look around. The place was most definitely  interesting and Georgie  actually  did like the concept. Especially  since they had yorkies  you could stuff. They didn't  look exactly   like their pups, but they could fix that. "Hello I'm  Jessica are you guys ready to stuff?" The young  cheerful woman says as Georgie and Lily nod. "That's great, would you like to add sound  or scent to your yorkies before  I stuff them?"

Lily and Georgie  just looked at the scents and nodded. Georgie  chose  the lavender  as Brook always smelled like lavender due to the fact her blanket had scent beads in it. Lily  chose the wildflower scent as Rascal smells outdoorsy most of the time. Each girl also added a beating  heart before  the lady finished stuffing  them. "Here you guys go to checkout she says before  heading  that way they both agree that these were perfect, paid and left.

"I have to admit that was actually  really fun." Georgie says holding  onto the stuffed Yorkie . It wasn't  her Brook  but it would  do until they locate her. That's  when Lily gets another crazy hair brained idea.

"Hey we should totally  get streaks that look like Brook's and Rascal. I think it would look awesome! " Lily  says pointing to a shop across from the build a bear that had a sign that Read Mandy's  Hair Stylist as Georgie  immediately  shook her head no.

"I love the idea, but my mother would kill me if she saw I had gotten purple streaks without her permission.  But on the other hand she already  hates me anyway so let's do it." Georgie  says slowly and Lily smiles, pulling  Georgie  to the hair place. Georgie  just looks around  nervously. 

 She always wanted colors in her hair, but she used to be afraid  of what her mother would say. Now she honestly didn't  care as her mother  had crossed too many lines, and she was tired of it. She was going  to do what she wanted. It wouldn't  be the end of the world if she had a bit of purple hair.


The ride home was pleasant. It was sunny and nice. Although  neither were ready for school  to start up next week. They were almost  out of school for another year and a half. Then they would be free to do what they pleased and Georgie  was already  planning  to get out of here, and get quite a few other dogs as she was just an animal person. The best thing is she could do whatever  she wants within reason. She was so ready to be an adult at this point. 

Georgie, it's been two weeks with no luck. Do you think  we will find our puppies?" Lily asks petting  the stuffed dog that represents  Rascal. Georgie  just looked at her own stuffed  animal and then her bright purple streaks that she actually  loved more than expected. And then looked   green and red streaks sadly.

"I don't  know, I admit I'm  losing a bit of my faith each day, but I  can't  give up on Brook or Rascal. I promised the mother I, we would protect them and you know I  keep my promises  no matter what. I still can't believe  it. I still think if I walk into the stable that they'll  be waiting  there excitedly.  And Mr. Terrance  will be there happy and laughing  about  something  dumb we did." Georgie  admits  as Lily nods.

"I feel you I can't  believe  their all gone. I miss Mr. Terrance he would know what to do. He always did. And I just want my lil skateboarder." Lily says as Georgie  nods in agreement. 

"Well um I better get home. I'll  meet you and Ethan at Walmart  tomorrow for school shopping." Georgie  says as Lily nods in agreement. 

"I'll  see ya there." The two friends split ways and Georgie  rode to the park looking  at the small stone which marked the mother dog's  grave.

"Hi momma  dog, I  know I  broke my promise  to you, and I'm  so so sorry.  I promise  I'm  going  to  do all  I  can to get them back. I love them so much and I  promise  I will get them back one day." Georgie  says quietly  before  mounting  her horse again. "Take me home, Nova. And with that they rode off to Georgie's home

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