The Picnic and Birth

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It was another beautiful, gorgeous day on the planet. And it was meant to be out of the house. That was exactly what the McCloud family was doing. Fox, his wife Krystal, and their four year old son Marcus were outside on a blanket with a picnic basket open. But they weren't alone for Panther Caroso and Miyu Lynx, or rather Miyu Caroso since she was married to the jungle cat, had joined the fox family. This was perfectly fine. Despite how Panther had once tried to make Krystal his, she had rejected him and the jungle cat accepted it with good grace despite being heart broken. That is until meeting Miyu. The first time he had seen the tomboy like female, Panther had thought she was so attractive and very cute. There was something about her looks, her attitude of being cocky at points, and her skills with fighting and flying that really made Panther fall in love with her. And Miyu, despite knowing how the male had been a man whore, saw qualities and features of him that she like. They had fallen in love, happy to be a couple. Because of that, Panther was friends with Fox and Krystal with no hard or bad feelings between them. And then the jungle cat had proposed to Miyu who accepted with much joy after dating. They were married in happy bliss with all of the Star Fox, Star Wolf, Miyu's team, and many others there to watch as she and Panther became husband and wife. Now nine months later, the lynx was pregnant with their first child and due any day. Her husband had been overjoyed learning his wife was, purring how beautiful she would be carrying his child. And the jungle cat had been right. The lynx had become that and glowed with happiness. Panther and Miyu were looking forward to being a father and mother. They would have help because not only had Fox and Krystal had Marcus, Nicholas McCoy and his wife Fara had their little boy Jack, Bill Grey and his wife Fay had their son named Sam, Falco and his wife Katt had their son named Anthony, and even Wolf was married with a kid to. The lupine had fallen in love with Miyu's team member Luna McCay, a she wolf who was just beautiful. But to their surprise for a second, Luna gave birth to a daughter. But Wolf loved his wife and his baby girl very much like her mother. Now Miyu was the only female left with no child.

Right now though, all they could do was wait. Panther and Miyu had just arrived and sat down, her huge belly swollen like her chest. "Doing okay babe?" the jungle cat asked her.

"Mmhm," she purred back. "Thanks honey..."

Marcus who had a toy Arwing, was playing while pretending to be daddy and shooting enemies down. "Guess it's just us then?" Fox asked.

"Yeah, the others couldn't make it," the jungle cat replied. "It's too bad, I wanted to see the others again and their kids."

"Oh we'll see them soon enough," Miyu said with a smile, stroking her belly. "This little one is due soon after all." Her husband chuckled and placed his paws on there to.

"Do you have a name picked out?" Krystal asked as she started to get the food out. Fox would've helped his wife Krystal but he was busy with Marcus.

"Yeah, Lelouch," Panther answered. "It's a good strong name."

The food then came out and passed around. Marcus though was still more interested in playing than eating right at the moment. The jungle cat turned to Miyu and their noses touched. One of his paws were on her pregnant belly again while the other was on her back. He and his wife began to purr while her paws went up to his body. "Time to feed you two," Panther said while purring. His wife purred louder with happiness, knowing he meant her and the baby.

Krystal at that moment had just taken a bite to eat when Marcus interrupted these moments. His toy got his daddy in the left eye who yelped loudly, causing the other three to jump and look to see the daddy vulpine clutching his eye in pain and his son laughing. "Daddy got hit!" Marcus stated in a cute voice.

"Oh my honey, are you alright?!" Krystal exclaimed, dropping the sandwich from her paws.

"Ughhh..." he moaned.

The Picnic and Birth (A Canon Star Fox Story)Where stories live. Discover now