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'Mr Rigel. He's dead.' I announced breathlessly in the dining room.

Five pairs of eyes stared at me in stunned silence. Aariz was the first one to react. He shot out of his chair with an exclamation and ran up the stairs followed by me, Dawid, Sarah, Daniel and then Ariana.

On reaching the room, we found Mary leaning against the doorframe.

'My God!' David cried out on seeing his father's body.

Mr Rigel's body was sprawled on the bed with his head swelled. The expression of sheer agony distorted his features. His mouth was slightly agape and his right hand was dangling off the bed. The wound was surrounded by dried blood. A cup filled with coffee was resting on the bedside table. As we neared the body, a strong smell wafted through the air.

'It's perfume.' Aariz murmured and looked through the cosmetics set on the dressing table. I ignored him because, quite frankly, I was annoyed that he was dwelling over irrelevant facts at the time of such a serious situation.

'No. No.' Sarah mumbled. 'This can't be true.'

I glanced over at her. Her face looked pale and she was shaking her head vigorously.

Ariana was clutching Dawid tightly with a horrified expression on her face.

Dawid's eyes were as wide as saucers and he had passed his hand over his wife's shoulder.

Daniel looked calm and collected and his face did not betray any emotions.

I was shocked. My mind refused to believe that all this was real.

Dawid reached out with a hand to touch his father but Aariz said sharply in his most professional voice, 'Do not touch him. We cannot upset anything until the police arrive.'

The tension thickened at the mention of the police. Dawid retreated back a step.

'I will go down and call the police.' Daniel volunteered and exited the room.

Ariana started sobbing and Dawid, trying to console, her took her out of the room.

Sarah's breathe came in shallow gasps. She kept murmuring, 'This is horrible. I don't believe it.' She followed the others out of the room in a kind of daze. Only Aariz and I were left behind.

'She is shock, the poor girl.' My uncle said referring to Sarah.

He sighed and looked at the convulsed boy of Rigel Basil, whispering, 'My dear old friend.'

I wonder what made him commit suicide.' I said.

'Suicide. That is strange.' Aariz was murmuring absently. 'Something seems wrong. I can't comprehend what.'

I looked at him curiously. His brows were furrowed and he looked puzzled. I stood looking at him as he wandered around the room, looking diligently at everything.

A while later, I heard footsteps coming along the corridor and two policemen and a man in a white coat and spectacles, whom I presumed to be a doctor, came in.

One of the policemen saw Aariz and exclaimed, 'If it isn't the famous Mr Tijan! What a coincidence.'

'Ah! Inspector Matin, it's good to see you.' Aariz turned and smiled at him. 'But alas! The situation isn't one I would have preferred.'

'Yes, I'm sure. Sergeant Saqer and I will start investigating the matter.' The Inspector said, donning rubber gloves. The doctor was already peering down at the body of Mr Rigel.

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