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songs for this chapter: "mind games" by sickick & "fire meets fate" by ruelle

[ there's another side that you don't know - watch me turn your mind into my home // there's no escape when fire meets fate ]

As the doors to the hall opened, Crimsyn felt his throat momentarily constrict. It was an odd feeling if he was honest with himself yet one he didn't quite want to refuse. He could hear his heart pounding louder than the cries of soldiers who begged to be freed once captured and at his mercy to do as he pleased. Neither the chandeliers hanging from the ceilings nor the stars in the night could outdo the sight that was Princess Milani Alastair dressed in the crown he had chosen for her.

For one week the Birds of the Night Gala was held.

For one week all the kingdoms would be at peace.

For one week Crimsyn Andraste would freely have Milani Alastair by his side.

To whatever entity watched down from the skies, he couldn't wait to see how things would turn out. 

Crimsyn noticed the way Milani froze in place as he began to walk towards her, her eyes widening as they met his own. While it was clear she would rather be anywhere but here, her gaze was kept with a fierceness that had Crismyn intrigued.

"Nice to meet you, Princess." Despite curtsying out of respect to the Raven King who was still a king nonetheless,

"I wish I could say the same King Crimsyn but my mother didn't raise me to be a liar," came Milani's response. Crimsyn saw the way Prince Xander Alistair looked nervous and nearly wanted to scoff at the sight.

What right did he have to come here under the guise of protecting Milani when he was the one who sold her off to him?

"I'd like you to come with me and meet someone, I think you'll find it useful." Extending an arm to serve as a neutral ground of sorts, Crimsyn found that there was a certain warmth that met his body once Milani linked hers with his. Looking up at Crimsyn,

"Seeing as I came to accompany you, I don't have much of a choice now do I?"

"You chose to come here, didn't you?"

"I hope it'll be worth my time." Smiling to himself,

"It will be." The pair made their way further into the hall until finally,

"Killian," Crimsyn said as he greeted the man in front of him. The man named Killian didn't seem fazed by Crimsyn's presence yet at the sight of Milani, his eyes widened.

"Princess Milani Alastair," Killian said in almost awe, completely disregarding the king. Milani extended a hand,

"You know who I am?"

"Of course, I do. It's an honor to finally meet you, I thought the first time we'd meet would be at the wedding."

"The wedding?"

"Mine and Olive's was it? I think that's her name? Your cousin, I mean." As the gears shifted in Milani's head,

"You're marrying Olivia?"

"Ahh, that's her name. Yes, towards the end of the year for peace between the kingdoms or whatever other royal reason there is." Crimsyn glanced over the Milani, noticing the change in her posture and it seemed as if she was finally interested in being here. Milani reached for a champagne flute,

"So you're her betrothed."

"Unimpressed?" Shaking her head as he took a sip of her drink,

"Just a little curious, what's the point of an arranged marriage when neither party clearly wants to be in it?"

"What makes you think I don't want to be married?"

"I don't doubt you want to be married. Just not to Olivia."

"I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here, I am devoted entirely to my kingdom and to my people."

"To your people or to one person?"

"I'm sorry?" With a nod that gestured to Killian's right hand,

"If I'm not mistaken, that's a couple's ring, no?" Killian cleared his throat before slipping off the ring and placing it in his pocket,

"Let's make this clear, yeah? Regardless of my personal feelings in the present, I will always act for the future of my kingdom.

"It's such a shame Olivia doesn't have the same mindset," Milani muttered under her breath and although Killian didn't hear her, Crimsyn had caught every single word.

Upon realizing the type of people who attended the Birds of the Night Gala, it quickly became clear to Milani that it was a good place to form connections without any interference from her parents. She was almost thankful to Crimsyn for bringing her here. A few minutes later, the conversation with Killian ended, and Milani and Crimsyn were left to themselves. Crimsyn wrapped an arm around Milani's waist and leaned towards her, his following words coming out as a whisper,

"Interested in getting to know some other people, little dove?"

"If you insist, King Crimsyn."

The rest of the night passed by in a flash as Milani chatted with many others who had attended the first day of the gala. They came from all over the world, some people coming from kingdoms that Milani didn't even know existed at all. It wasn't until the end of the night where the people were heading to their rooms or leaving the kingdom altogether that Crimsyn brought Milani to a balcony. Despite the darkness of the night, with how Crimsyn's sleeves were rolled up slightly Milani noticed some tattoos peeking out from the white fabric and wondered to herself about the designs that were covered. Pushing those thoughts aside,

"The view is nice here," she said in awe. Unaware that Crimsyn was looking at her, she only heard the response,

"It really is." There was a moment of silence that met the two yet it was an oddly comforting one. The silence was something almost needed after all the socialization. A few minutes later, Milani turned to Crimsyn asking the question that had been on her mind all night,

"Why did you ask me to accompany you here?"

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