(another) announcement

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hi everyone !! in the chapter "birdcages & slaughterhouses" i mentioned that a dove's innocence as been stolen by the site novelhd. well, it's also been stolen by another one called teenfic.net. both a dove's innocence and my other work unsent letters has ended up on both sites and it sorta just seems like whatever i publish from now on is going to end up on there. while i was aware that publishing online puts me at the risk of getting my work stolen/copied/plagiarized, it's not really something that i actually expected to happen (i'm not sure if this really makes sense but anyway)

whenever something i wrote would get plagiarized/copied whether it was online or by someone i knew in real life i would kinda just tell myself "wow my writing was so good they felt the need to copy me" which was honestly my own way of trying to deal with it since i couldn't really do anything else. by now i've lost count of how many times something i wrote got stolen. it's also ironic that this specific post about being plagiarized will show up on the sites that plagiarized (since they seem to just take everything without actually reading it). i'm not sure if i'll publish a new work on wattpad since this is honestly very annoying. i'm not with wattpad under a contract or anything so obviously my works aren't as protected as others.

i'm still continuing a dove's innocence but i'm not sure if i'll post an entirely new work and might just put an end to my unpublished wips as of right now. 

again, the only platform that i personally publish original works is on wattpad under the username: enhyels with the pen name of riels. 

screenshots of novelhd & teenfic (if you ever come across these websites please don't click on them since you're at the risk of getting a virus)

screenshots of novelhd & teenfic (if you ever come across these websites please don't click on them since you're at the risk of getting a virus)

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