How It Started.

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* Plot Stuff *


I have brown nutty hair, not the colour- my hair is just crazy. Some days it's half straight and other days its really curly.

I'm like 5'5, average boobs. I'm really just average in general! But hey it's not a bad thing.

I have really pretty blue eyes, probably my personal favourite feature of mine. And not to float my own boat, but damn my ass is great.

My bestie Turf is literally the prettiest person you will ever meet. She has brown curly hair and like the most gorgeous body ever. Cute face, big titties, big ass, little waist. She is idealistic really. She's 5'5 too, we're like twins but I'm white and I don't have the most adorable button nose like she does. I like my nose though.

Stern is literally me but as a guy, and with abs. Dang- maybe I should get abs too. And his hair isn't in long curly locks, just short and lame.

Ever since I was a little girl I've been best friends with Turf, she's my platonic soulmate;
Me and her are always discussing the boys we like, or the boys who we totally wanna suck faces with- including Oliver.

Now this name may seem normal to you, pretty basic white guy name, but this is no ordinary Oliver. This is my brother Stern's best friend Oliver.

Stern is a really decent guy, athletic, kind, smart.. that is until it comes to his taste in women. His first girlfriend ended up throwing me into an empty pool, long story, but it really hurt. Screw you Liza.

Next we have Tegan- she was pretty chill.. until she gave me weed and my parents found out. Bye Bye Tegan. My parents are strict Christians so a "Devil giving my precious baby illegal toxic drugs!" is pretty unacceptable, sad.

Now we move onto girlfriends 3, 4, 5, 6 and counting.. They all looked the same, I can't even remember their names.. Classic high school bitches.

Now let me tell you about Oliver, because damn this boy is hot. Not to fit into the stereotype or anything, but his 6 pack is literally impeccable- the things Turf and I have said about it shall not ever be said out loud again, not even to you.

His hair is literally the definition of perfect, brown and fluffy; which is weird because he used to be blonde.. then he dyed it brown a week after I said to him that brown hair was 1000% hotter when we were arguing about which celebrity is the hottest- Harry Styles totally won, don't listen to what he says. There's always been a bit of tension between us; in my head at least.. Maybe that's just because he's so totally hot and a few years older and also forbidden which makes me want him to notice me more.

Every time we have any form of physical contact my whole face goes red, Stern totally noticed this and made fun of me, but then also told Oliver that there's now a no touch rule. Stupid brother. Now back to how hot he is, you can just assume that everything about this boy is perfect, from his jawline to his collarbone to his calves.

I think I've given you the basic premises of what's happened so far, maybe I'll give you a few of our most 'steamy' moments.. If there were any. But the most romantic thing we've ever done is get pushed into each other in the car when we're in the back seats and there's a sharp corner- that never happens anymore though because he has a car now. Everyone does- besides me. My brother strictly remains that I can't have a car till he leaves because he will just drive me everywhere; AND MY PARENTS AGREE?! this is just his ploy to make sure I never go over to any guys house I'm sure of it.

Thanks to my brother, I'm 16 and I've never even had my first kiss? How crazy is that! I totally would've had my first kiss with this total hottie named Ace. He was on my bed and we were holding hands and just as we were leaning in.. The door opens and Oliver walks in. He sits on my desk chair and just stares at us and laughs- eventually Ace just came up with some random excuse and said he had to leave, I think his exact words were "My grandma just stood on my dog, see you later".

I didn't talk to Oliver for a whole week- but then he apologized and brought me a kitten. I love Water Bottle, that's his name. Water Bottle; you can have the story to that later. Basically whenever we upset each other we just get the person a random gift, like last time when I accidentally threw a rock through his car window I brought him a pet rock named Stoney. He wasn't too happy about that..

I think I've rambled enough now.. Next time we'll get onto the real juicy stuff yeah? Oh right there is none. I'll just have to get up to some trouble; I'll ask Turf to help, she's always down to create some mischief with me. Thanks for listening I guess.

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