P.S, I Don't Blame You.

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The entirety of my second class is all kind of a blur, I was mainly trying to think about anything other than what Oliver had asked me to do but ultimately every trail of thought I would have just led me back to it.

I keep trying to convince myself that this a good thing, and Terf would be extremely happy for me if it was the other way around; She's great like that.

As I'm sitting down just contemplating I get handed a test from Mr Johnson, personally my favourite teacher). He smiles at me. "Lara, what's wrong with you today- you're not your usual chipper self." He asks cautiously, making sure to not overstep any boundaries.

I smile at him and dismiss that nothing is wrong and begin working on my test. Ultimately there is a lump in my throat so I put my hand up.

"May I go and get a drink of water?" I ask. He nods and I exit the classroom. As I'm walking I count every tile on the ground, I don't know when I started doing it but every time I'm stressed it helps calm me down.

As I reach the 37th tile I look up and see a pillar, I stop right before I hit it and I just stare at it for a few seconds. "stupid dumb pillar, move" I say as I push off of it and walk towards the tap.

I hear a noise come from beside me so I turn and see Ace standing there laughing. My face immediately warms up from embarrassment. "Did you just tell a pillar to move?" He snickers at me. I just roll my eyes.

I get a drink of water before turning back towards him and asking, "Why are you just standing there, stalker much?". He smiles then walks to the tap and takes a drink. "Well actually, I was getting a drink when I noticed a dear friend of mine about to walk into a pillar- However she stopped herself but then proceeded to insult my other dear friend, Perry the Pillar." He replies.

I just stare at him before letting out a giggle.

"I should really get back to class" I say before waving. "I'll text you later!" He yells out. I head back to class and finish my test.

I stand up and hand my test to Mr Johnson then sit back down at my desk waiting for the bell to ring. As I'm waiting I remember about Oliver. I pull out my phone and text Terf.

[      TERF     ]


T - 'ook lol see u soon ??'-

I anxiously tap my foot on the ground preparing a whole speech in my head. 'Hey Terf guess what Oliver wants to go on a date with you'- No too forward.. hm.. 'The boy we're both in love with chose you!!' That just sounds passive aggressive. ugh. I'll figure it out when the time comes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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