Some Kind Of Progress.

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                                                                               *Lara's POV*

"Hgggghhhh" I utter, waking up with a crashing headache. "Lara, GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" My mother oh so kindly shouts at me at 5 in the morning. I roll over and just take 2 minutes bracing myself to stand up. I sigh and jolt myself up. Here we go- morning started. Now, what should I wear? how about.. Ah. This. A cute sleeveless green crop top. Now.. some light washed mom jeans. Do I look like a basic indie white girl? Yes. Do I love it? Yes.

I head downstairs counting each step slowly so that I can spend less time talking with my mother, I swear she wakes me up 2 hours early just so she can berate me. "LARA, WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG WATER BOTTLE IS GOING TO EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!" my mother yells. She is so irritating, but I love her. Once I dreadfully make it down all 11 stairs and sit down at the table, I make sure my mouth is entirely full of food at all times so that my mother doesn't ask me annoying questions like 'how's the love life going?' or 'have you finished studying for this or that test'.

As I'm watching every second click down on the clock it just seems to be going slower than normal, and I'm done with food to shove in my mouth as a mother deterrent; well here we go... "Lara honey, the Astor's are coming over after school- so please look presentable; and clean your room." She says.

I look up at her for the first time and I smile. "Can Turf come over too?, since Oliver is." I ask. She thinks for a few seconds then agrees. "You four can all hang out in your room while me and dad talk with Linda and Connor, alright?" She asks, but it's more her telling me what's gonna happen than asking. "Sure." I reply.

I look at the clock and somehow it has been 30 minutes. We both sit there in silence on our phones for the remaining hour and a half with some occasional questions until the clock chimes 7, so now I can leave. "Bye, mom!" I say rushing out the door with my bag over one shoulder.

As I wait outside for Stern to hurry his ass up and drive me to school, I see something a little different. It's Oliver, driving his car, and no Stern. I stand there just gaping in confusion. "Are you gonna get in the car or just stare at me like an egg?" Oliver says in that really hot cocky tone of his.

Well obviously I'm gonna oblige.

I quickly get in the front seat, which is really rare for me because normally Stern sits there, or Oliver depending on who's car we're in. "Is Stern not coming?" I ask.

He just starts driving and smiles at me. On the way to school we stop at some random house, I am of course extremely confused because we have never stopped here before. "Did we run out of gas or something?" I utter- I don't actually think that because I can see that the tank is almost full- but hey, I can't help that I'm hilarious. Though Oliver would think otherwise.

"We're picking up Stern and Britt." He looks at me, completely overlooking my comedy gold joke. Wait what, Britt? Who is Britt.. Probably Stern's new girlfriend, another total drag I bet. As we wait I expect to see a blonde girl with big tits- but a short brunette who looks kind of emo walks out, she's not his usual type but she is really pretty. She hops into the car and punches me and Oliver on the shoulder. "What's up losers?" She says. Stern eventually comes out and sits in the back with her, he puts his arm around her and everything.

What is happening.

Once we arrive at school I see Turf waiting for me with some of her other friends, she sees me and runs up with her arms out.

"YOU'RE HERE FINALLY YOU TOOK FOREVER YOU HOE I LOVE YOU, hi." She yells. "I missed you too girl." I say back. She looks behind me and see's that Stern is sitting in the back. "You got to sit in the front? Who is that.. She does not look like Stern's typical type." She looks at Britt.

It's almost like she can tell we're talking about her because she turns and looks at us then hops out of the car. "You two are Lara and Turf right?" She asks. I nod but Turf looks pretty confused, actually.. I'm pretty confused too. "How do you know who Turf is?" I ask coyly. I look at Turf and she shrugs. "Stern told me about his sister and her hot weirdo friend, I guess he didn't lie." She says. WHAT. THERE IS NO WAY STERN CALLED TURF HOT. NOPE.

I just stare blankly at Stern's face. He turns around immediately after hearing what Britt just said. "WOAH, I did not say that!" He exclaims. What is even happening right now. I look over to Turf and her entire face is beetroot red. I hear a giggle and look at Britt. "I'm totally kidding, Stern's my boyfriend now so he can't go crushing on his little sister's friends- I just wanted to see your reaction to be honest, And it was Oliver who called you the hot friend, not Stern." She says laughing once more.

She's certainly a character. AND ALSO WHAT. Me and Terf look at each other completely shocked but Oliver just laughs so we both realize this is all probably a joke.

Stern hops out of the car and picks Britt up by the waist and tosses her over his shoulder. "I better take this one away before she spits anymore nonsense." He says whilst they laugh together. They flirt all the way out of sight, glad to see he's happy I guess.

Turf is still totally dumbfounded, she goes and sits at the table and pulls her phone out and starts.. sending snaps. Whatever makes her feel better..

I go to grab my bag out of the front seat when suddenly Oliver grabs it. "Give it back" I groan. He smiles and as I reach forward to get my bag, I swear his eyes go down to my tits.. God maybe this is all in my totally unexperienced virgin head. But then he does it again. He noticed I noticed and then looks away and coughs, throws my bag in the back seat and just ignores me. What just happened?

I swear today is just crazy. As I climb in the back seat and try to get out, I hear a click. "Did you just lock the doors? What is up with you today weirdo." I mutter.

He turns around and looks at me, "Look, I need to talk to yo-" BANG. Turf knocks loudly on the car window. "Can we talk later then?, I need to get to class." I ask, I totally want to hear what he has to say but Turf is not the type of person to get a hint- even if I gave her the go away eyes she would probably think I'm signalling for her to pry the car door open. "Get to class safely loser." He says. I just walk away from him- I was gonna tell Turf about what happened but I decided to wait until after school.

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