Well, That's Not What I Wanted To Hear.

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As I enter my first class of the day.. Organic Chemistry.. Ew. I'm now realizing that I'm an idiot- and I totally left my bag in the car. Brilliant, you are SOOO smart. But now I am realizing that this is totally an excuse to text Oliver to bring me my bag- So I do.

[        OLIVER        ]


O -'ok? I think I read that right.. meet outside your class now?

Me -' Yeaaa thaxt would be grette thx'-

O -'right.. you are terrible at texting- and I'm waiting in the hall'-

Me -'thxxxx ur da nest'-

Me -'best**'-

O -'*TYPING..*'-

which absolutely terrifies me and snaps me out of my little happy world.

I stare at her for a few seconds before managing to mutter out.. "I don't know, sorry miss." Very politely. She taps her foot for a few seconds and then grabs my phone. "You can have it back at the end of class, please do try and pay attention now." She sternly says, then wobbling back to her desk and plopping her pretentious bottom down.

God she is totally a kill joy, I should probably have told her it was to get my bag, but too late now.. OH WAIT MY BAG! I stand up abruptly and head towards the door. "Where are you going??" She pointedly yells at me. "GOT GO BAG BYE" I yell but also mumble back to her.  As I'm rushing towards the main hall, I see Oliver standing there, he's leaning on the corridor with one hand ruffling his hair and the other scrolling on his phone, presumably through tiktok.. Maybe he's looking at mine?? Yea, no.

"Hey Dork, think I've got something of yours here." He says with a smug look on his face, like he's laughing at his own 'joke' in his head.

"Haha, hilarious. Now can I have it back? I have to get to class." I say, whilst looking at him intently. He turns around and extends both of his arms to the side, then says "You take it off, I kind of got it stuck".

I stare at this very embarrassing moment wishing I could take a photo of it. As I'm removing the straps of MY bag from his shoulders my hand accidentally grazes him-. I stop for a few seconds to breathe as even this little moment seemed to make me forget how to do so.

"You gonna remove it or just stare at me weirdo?" He laughingly says before I look over his shoulder and realize he's looking at me using his phone camera.

I squint my eyes and pout my lips to the side and huff. "Yea well, you're the one who made me forget it in the car, and you're also the one who got it stuck." I say in an irritated tone- though little to his knowledge I am totally enjoying being out of class.

Once I finally remove the bag he turns around and smiles.

"Thank you for your assistance dork, now I have to get back to Psychology." He says, then smiling. As he's about to walk off I remember something. "Hey! In the car, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" I ask.
A small part of me is hoping that he is totally in love with me and will make out with me in this school corridor.

The other part of me, the smart part- is thinking that it will be about something dumb. He looks before he smiles awkwardly and blushes a little. "I uhm-- I was sorta wondering if you could set up a date? For me and Terf.. It's alright if you can't it's just she's really pre-" He says before I cut him off.

"Sure." I say back quickly. I smile before just turning around and walking off towards class.

At first I was avoiding going back there but now there is nothing that I want to avoid more than Oliver. I mean this is a good thing, Terf and I have always talked about how hot he is- and we totally were okay that we both had huge crushes on him.. but.. there's a small part of me that is crushed. I don't know why I let myself get my hopes up. Once I return to class, Miss Abbot just annoyingly stares at me before sighing. "Detention after school today." She says. I just hurry to my desk and sit down without taking my eyes off the floor. I should be happy for Terf- I mean, we've always dreamed of this.. But I just can't shake this pit in my stomach. My god- I'm totally jealous! THAT IS SO EMBARASSING.

Throughout the entire first period I have been debating whether or not to tell Terf, I mean of course I'm gonna tell her; but maybe not? I don't know..

I can't really focus on anything in class at all when all of a sudden. *RING RING*!.. and that would be the bell.

I walk as fast as I can towards the door then, "Lara, you forgot to take your phone." Miss Abbot calls out. I give her the best smile I can conjure up before taking my phone and leaving that bloody classroom as soon as possible.

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