Blocked Tags

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This chapter is gonna be different since I'ma be talking about an issue with the website itself rather than just cliches/overused tropes in stories

So you know wattpad has a Blocked Tags feature?

There's something I hate about it and that is the fact that THERE IS A GODDAMN LIMIT

Fr, I see a story I don't like that has a certain tag i want to avoid and I want to block that tag

BUT, I already reached my limit so I have to fuckin' go ahead and remove that tag to add this one in

AND do not get me started on seeing stories I want to avoid cause the authors didn't put the tags it's about in (This isn't really an issue with wattpad itself but you get my point)

For people that don't know what I'm talking about

Let's say somebody made a cyberpunk book (I don't hate cyberpunk but I'm using it as an example)

An I have cyberpunk block, but then, I stumble on to it with just the tags "Sci-Fi" and "Science Fiction"

And I'm getting recommended a story about the tag I blocked all because the author didn't put the cyberpunk tag.

Anyways, that's all for today! Dimentio out!

Wattpad Pet Peeves (By DimentioDeluxe EPIC)Where stories live. Discover now