Chapter 5 : accidentally

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Indonesia POV

I saw the Netherlands faint, and it took all of us by surprise. Well... the man who wore bandages all over his body and the iconic scarf, as well as the man who put me through all this. The man I never wanted to look back on, the man who made me angry when I saw his face lying helpless on the floor.

"NETHERLANDS!!! "Immediately Luxembourg and belgium-shouting stopped all of us in the lift, and without a signal I immediately held the lux mouth in front of me. With a handkerchief that I prepared sleeping Poison.

“ALL OF YOU!!, REALLY BIT- UHMPMMP” Phil would put a handkerchief in Belgium mouth, the same way I did. And even then phil drops his body over a neth body.

I also pointed my gun at the lux head, of course because I had a deal with asean from the start, I would have killed the stalker who was listening to our conversation. But when I wanted to shoot, Japan immediately grabbed my gun with my reflexes blown in the opposite direct

“JAPAN!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!"I would yell at Japan, and Japan would smile warmly at me.

"Indo, please...Don't you kill them...."Trembling in pain, Japan says the statement.

Ugh, this is what I hate about Japan. His warm smile that always makes everyone stand firm, I see Malay and phil for further decisions.

"Well we won't kill them, but we'll lock them in jail for being interrupted. After you've all been cured by indo, I don't want anyone to be in pain and excuse for being interrupted. " then Malay answered from all of us, but- wait- why must I heal them all.

"What do you mean I'm supposed to cure them all? You think I live in a fucking hospital? "I am trained, of course why should I heal them all. It's a waste of money.

"Let me pay for everything,... But I want this incident not to be told to asean..."Japan answered the reason in my head,oh SHIT ls he a mind reader?

“ okay. “ I answer, hey... You can't override this. Like what my mother always said ‘don’t Waste the Sustenance'.

Me and phil, we pulled out everybody who was out cold. While Malay helped Japan, who lost a lot of blood and pulled the Japan car out of the trunk. You think my car fits, with all these unconscious people. Of course not, so I asked Malay to drive Japan's car. And of course since I have Thai in my car, you're probably wondering why I have Thai in my car??. OFCOURSE WE CAN LEAVE HE, THAT HE CONDITION BLEEDING TOO IN HE HEAD!!

Thailand was a little surprised to see phil and me take neth and China over, and then start accusing us of things. Of course I swatted all his words and started putting them all in the back of my car seat.

I also put neth and Chinese in the back seat, while Malay put lux and belgi in the back of Japan's cars. Me, phil, Thai, neth, and China goes in my car. While Malay, Japan, belgi and lux were in the Japan car. We all went to the hospital, where I worked. ..





After arriving, I immediately called the nurses and the doctors to take them all into a special room. First I treat wounded Japan in her arms, and stop the bleeding. Then I went to China and Thailand to treat some of the wounds on his body. And for the last time I checked Benelux's room, I saw neth getting pulled out from exhaustion and the great pressure he was under. I also took some blood samples from the Benelux to run down.

I heard from the nurse that Chinese are awake, I immediately went to the room where China is being treated. With a little tidying up my doctor's coat that's a little messy because I run to one room and to the other. Of course I don't want to call a doctor to treat them, because I'm sure the doctors are just gonna mess with their treatment.

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