𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬

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// This chapter is vv short, cause it's the first one, sorry!! There will be longer chapters in the future :) /gen



His arms were wrapped around your fragile body. It sent a cold shiver down your spine. You were awake, although your vision was foggy, a blur and it stung. You can feel his veiny hands on your back. 

He was crying while holding you, pushing you against him. It had been 4 months since you last saw his face, he was so cold. His hair was messy, his glasses broken on one side with rips in his fluffy jacket you felt rub against your chest.'I'm so glad I'm back. I've missed you so much...' he trembles and sobs whilst he whispers. 'I'm so sorry, F/N. I'll never leave again. Never. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...'  he whimpered as he leaned his head on your shoulder, with his chin on your back. He squeezed his eyes closed as he hicced. He broke his promise, again. You were so happy to be able to wake up next to him again, you couldn't be mad at him no matter how hard you tried, even whilst you thought of him breaking his promise every single time. But, you were upset. So, so upset. He knew you could only depend on him. The feeling of a knot being tied in your stomach getting worse every single hour of the days he was gone. You felt empty.

 'Please promise me this time Wilbur, I can't do this without you.'

Those were the words that broke him, completely shattered him. You immediately felt the guilt build up in your stomach, watching his expression crack even further. It looked like a dull knife was piercing right through his stomach. He held you tightly and it almost felt like he didn't want to let go. It seemed like he felt like he hurt you, you hurt F/N, and you're all they have, god damn it. Well, of course he hurt you, but he had told you so many times he couldn't help it. Yet, you still wished for an answer. You longed for that answer he had forbid himself to give you.

'I'm sorry for being selfish.'

His words ringed in your ears and didn't leave. 

'Wilbur, what are you saying?' 

He took a few breaths and hicced. 'I'm selfish, F/N. I only think about myself and my own worries, fuck, i leave you alone in this house so often. It looks like I never even think of how hurt you'd be if I left, and I've done it so many times. I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better than me, I wish I never agreed to being so horrid to you.'

You frown at his words. He sounded so genuinely sad, but he's said this before. You can't believe him anymore, and it hurts so bad when you're unable to believe the only person you can trust. More questions start making you long for an answer. He agreed to being horrid to me?

God, it stings.

'Wilbur, It's okay. You're here now, that's all that matters to me.' Yet from yourself you knew, that wasn't the truth. You lied. It was a blatant, ugly lie, coming from your mouth which speaks engaging, endearing words. Your mouth, where he wouldn't expect any lies. 

So he believed you. He believed an obvious lie, the truth was you were tired. You were tired of him leaving, you just couldn't be mad. so you lied to the only person you can trust. But you can't resist his touch. You can't resist his arms wrapped around you. You start believing your own lies.

And you felt like a fraud.

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