𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐑𝐮𝐧, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫!

285 7 10

//This chapter is like, a three week skip. Use your imagination LOL, and thank you for all the support! It makes me so happy seeing you all enjoy my writing!

11:00 AM

You hastily open your eyes to an exceptionally loud alarm you didn't remember setting. Wilbur's sitting next to you, back against the wall. He was smiling, already dressed. He seemed to be excited about something, although it was a mystery what he was so enthusiastic for. Wilbur was waiting for you to fully wake up, and shaked your body side to side gently. "F/N! Wake up, my dear!"

You smile at the petname, and rub your eyes until they feel woke enough to fully open them. "Good morning, Wil. What's got you so thrilled, hm?" He smiles and gently stims, then picks something up from his nightstand. You sit up, wondering what it is. Apparently, Wilbur was so enthusiastic because he...

Made you breakfast?

"It looks good, doesn't it?!" He exclaims as he hands you the plate with a waffle on it. It was decorated with maple syrup and some berries, cut up strawberries on the side. You smile at the sentiment. As you try looking back at him to say thank you, he shushes you and urges you to try it, so you pick up the waffle and take a decent bite out of it, including a blueberry and some of the syrup he drizzled on top.

It was surprisingly good, you were never one for waffles until now, apparently. "Is it good, F/N? Did i do a decent job at it?" You smile and nod while you take another bite. He squeals slightly at the approval.

Wilbur was feeling pretty energetic today. Perhaps he has something planned for the two of you. You don't expect anything from him, though. This is already enough. He's fucking adorable, you think to yourself as you finish the waffle. "The waffle was great, sunshine. Thanks for the breakfast." He tenderly seizes your cheeks and gives you a goodmorning kiss, then he manages to leave the room in less than a few long seconds.


"WILBUR!" You exclaim loudly, and he opens the door slightly peeking through. "...Yeeeesss?" You look at him, "jokingly" pissed, and you pout. "Did you perhaps, take proper care of yourself, and make yourself breakfast as well?"

He awkwardly smiles, and slowly closes the door. "Ahahaha, you see F/N, i'm really, really busy right now so i'm gonna have to go! BYE!" God, he's like a child sometimes. I feel like i have to take care of the 6'6, almost but not just yet mature-looking man. You stand up and place the empty plate on Wilbur's nightstand, and prepare yourself for a play fighting session.

Wilbur sometimes enjoys hiding in the house, avoiding basic human needs. You assume he just likes teasing you a bit, but sometimes it does worry you how often he forgets to eat, avoids drinking water, all that stuff, y'know? 

You walk around the house, patiently waiting for him to pop out a corner to scare you, or something. Surprisingly, he doesn't appear anywhere in the way you expected he would. Not even in the weirdest places he's been in. He got stuck under the couch once, he was a bit tipsy though, so nothing wrong with being more of an airhead than the usual. 

At some point, you give up on finding him, so you plow down on the couch in stead. 


Damn, for a tall guy he's really good at hide and seek. You wander off for a bit, thinking of where he could be. With no other possible outcome, you just assume he left the house in a hurry. With no idea of what he would do there though, he could always just be in a more ridiculous place than you had imagined while looking for him. 

12:11 PM

You've settled on leaving the house as well. It seems to be pretty sunny out, but as expected it's more chilly than it looks. You quickly put on a jacket, and step outside. Where are you going? No idea. Wilbur has house keys, so he can go inside on his own if you're not home by then. You just take a random route and walk for a bit with earbuds in. 

Jamming to your favourite songs, you suddenly bump into a significantly taller man. You take your earbuds out whilst shaked up because of the shock, and pick yourself up mentally to apologize. In stead though, the taller man gasps softly. "Oh, sunshine! What are you doing out here?! This was supposed to be a surprise! Aw man, and i bumped straight into you too?"

Of course, it was Wilbur. You grin at the coincidence. "It's fine, i promise. It's not like i'm dying or anything." you joke. He sighs, and holds something in front of you. You take it carefully. 

"Here you go! I've decided on treating you all day today. You deserve it."  You lay your eyes on the item he's gifted to you, it's a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. "I didn't know which flowers you liked, so i just got tulips..."  Wilbur's tone is a bit off, but you just decide to brush it off and appreciate the gorgeous bouquet of flowers he has gifted to you. "Oh, i love tulips! Thank you! Do we have a vase or anything to put them in? I don't want them to die out."  Wilbur nods and puts his hand out for you to hold as you two walk home together.

4:38 PM

Wilbur has avoided the topic of eating for a bit, so you just decide to make him a sandwich. Even though you're just a bit worried, you're sure it'll be fine. He was cheerful as always this morning, his face and voice together was like a ball of energy. Nothing could have made his day much worse. As you finish the sandwich while wandering off for a bit, you knock on the bedroom door. "Can i come in, love? You're awfully quiet." He responds with a yeah, and you open the door to him scrolling on his phone.

"I made you a sandwich. You've been keeping at arms length from eating, and i don't want you to stay like that all day." He laughs, but it has a pretty empty tone to it. "Please? Just take a bite, at least? We have to eat dinner too."

Wilbur takes a deep breath, and suddenly his face lights up. "Oh, i'm fine sunshine! You're often worried, aren't you? I just wasn't hungry today, i guess!"  You feel the tension break, and get a sense of relief as you hand him the sandwich and he takes a bite of it. "I'm going to make us dinner, alright? It'll take a while, and i don't want us eating too late at night."  He responds with an okay, and an i love you. You smile as you exit the room.

11:23 PM

You and Wilbur had been a bit more distant since dinner. He was softly bumping his fork against the meat constantly, and didn't eat all that much of it in the end. "It was good! I promise!" He'd claim every time you worried about him not liking it. At least he's asleep next to you now, with his arm around you. And as much as you love the company, you forgot to shower earlier, so you'll proceed to do that now, and then come back.

As you arrive in the bathroom and flick on the lights, you notice a small yellow note on the trash bin next to the toilet with "Sorry! :(" on it. Confused, you pick it up to see if anything else is written on it. Nope. It was Wil's handwriting though, so it was his doing. You open the bin to throw it away, only to see the sandwich you made him, with two small bites out of it.

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