A Queen was born

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Near June 1968 my mom started feeling a little sick, which lasted for some weeks. My parents, Nancy Dow and John Aniston, had been trying to have another baby for a few months already, since my mom already had my half-brother John Melick, do my mom decided to take a pregnancy test, which came positive. They both got thrilled and since my brother was soon gonna turn 9, they decided to tell him on his birthday, so I was kinda like a birthday present, and he got super happy for being a big brother.

9 months passed and so did lots of doctor's appointments and morning sickness and mood swings, and finally on the day 11 February 1969 my mom rushed to the hospital in California and I, Jennifer Joanna Aniston, was born.

The first months with me weren't probably very easy because, according to my dad, I've always been a very stubborn child and I was always crying and angry. Everything just got worse when I started walking. I was always running and jumping around the house and also hiding from my parents. My brother was having the time of his life because he finally had someone to play with and he was already so protective of me. Soon I started talking and that meant there was always fun in our house. I completely loved to be in the spotlight as a kid so I always wanted to dance and sing to my parents, even though now I think I'm a terrible singer and dancer.

When I was just in kindergarten I loved to go with my dad to his set because he was an actor, just like my mom, and I think that's where my love for acting started. I loved to play with all of the actors, they were all so nice to me and sometimes when they were on a break they would pretend to be shooting and act with me and it almost seemed that I was part of the show too and that was so much fun!!!

When I was 5 we all moved to Greece because of my dad, an idea that really didn't make me happy at first because I loved my life in the United States, I had my friends who I loved to play with and my cousins. However when we got there it was absolutely wonderful, it had so many beaches where I could play and I got to meet some of my Greek family, since my dad is Greek, which was great.

One year later we came back to the United States, to New York because my dad got an acting job there. This way, I had to start going to school, since I was already 6. I didn't really like it, even though I was very excited at first, it passed very soon. I found the classes very boring and they were wasting my time when I could be on set with my dad. My favorite part of school were the breaks when I could play with my new friends I had made. I also loved to make little shows to them and my teachers.

At this time my life was pretty much perfect, I was the happiest girl in the world with an amazing family. However, three years later everything changed.


please remember that most of this stuff isn't true and it's only my imagination

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