New Things

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Author’s note:

Okay guys, this chapter will be rated R for obvious reasons you’ll find out next. Also please notice that only the names of the schools and the fact that Jen was indeed in the drama club and everything is just my imagination. Okay, please enjoy this chapter, read and review!!!

By the age of 11 my life seemed to be going on the right track finally. My dad kept his promise of coming every weekend to New York and be with me. My mom was finally truly truly happy too. I had just started attending the Rudolf Steiner School and I joined the drama club. Maybe that would bring both of my parents to see me together. I was in that time in a mood of reconciling my parents. I even used to do stupid stuff during classes so that my mom would be called to school and hopefully call my dad to tell him what had happened. Actually I think their relationship was going much better but well, they always hided that they had problems during the marriage so maybe they just did that to protect me, again.

The drama club turned out to be much better than I thought. I already loved acting before but after my dad left I kinda put that in the side but that drama club somehow changed my perspective. What started as being a way of catching my parents’ attention turned into a real love and passion. I started spending my whole days in that place. I even got home a little later so that I could be there longer. School was no longer a priority. I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I knew exactly what I wanted. All I wanted to do was acting and I knew I would be doing it for the rest of my life.

That’s why when I went to high school my mom put me in the New York High School of Performing Arts. I had the time of my life there. I loved all the classes but I wasn’t exactly the best student since I was always in the drama club, but I never was an exemplar student anyway. I met tons of amazing people, which some of them became my friends. We went to parties and almost did everything together. I felt that I could trust everything to those girls and I never ever forgot them.

I also met my first boyfriend during my junior year. When we met I was 16 and it was shortly after my birthday. His name is Leonardo but after a few months of dating I started calling him Leo and we met at a party I went with my friends and he went with his. I was sitting in the bar and he offered me a drink and obviously I said yes because he was just so so so dreamy. He had kind of blonde hair and blue eyes. Every time I looked at him I just completely melted. He had the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen, it was impossible to resist that smile. I don’t know but I think it was love at first sight. So, at the party we had a few drinks and danced. At the end of the night we scheduled another date but actually on the next day we found out that we went to the same school. That was just amazing. We spent the whole days together, even though we weren’t an official couple yet. Until he took me home one day after school. I was getting out of the car after saying goodbye to him and he grabbed my arm.

“Jennifer, wait. There’s something I need to do before you go.”


I turned around and before I knew it his lips were touching mine. They were so soft and tasted so good. He had his hand around my neck, holding my face close to his, and the other caressing my cheek. Our lips were locked and I never wanted it to stop. It was so perfect, I just wanted to be there like that forever. We stayed kissing for a few minutes. Those were probably the most wonderful minutes I had ever experienced until then.  We both broke the kiss and stayed looking and smiling at each other, our foreheads still touching. There it was, our first kiss. My first kiss. I had never been so happy in my entire life.

“I love you” he whispered. I’m pretty sure my heart skipped a beat in the moment. I got so emotional and a few tears rolled down my face as I answered “I love you too”.

I gave him another kiss on those sweet and wonderful lips and went home, happier than I had ever been.

We dated for about two years (after I went to LA we kept our relationship but after a while we broke up because of the distance). Obviously during that time we had some fights, we actually got to be on a break, but everything always worked out. I loved him too much and I think he loved me too, our relationship was definitely something worth fighting for and that’s what we did during high school. He made me feel like the most important person in the world, almost like a princess. He took me on dates to good restaurants, he gave me cute presents and always complimented me. He was so gentle and sweet and caring and to be honest I could had never loved him more.

One day it just kind of happened. He took me home after a dinner. My mom wasn’t home that night so I asked him if he wanted to come in. I opened the front door and as soon we got in he gave me a deep kiss. I pulled away and told him that we should go to my room. We began to kiss passionately and his hand was massaging my back, sliding until he reached my ass. He pulled my shirt and my bra up with his hands, massaging my boobs. I already began breathing heavily. That felt so good. Then he took my shirt out and I did the same with him. I felt his topless body against mine and I knew I was ready for what was about come. We kept kissing with our fingers intertwined. He began kissing down my neck, then my breasts until my stomach, just above the button of my jeans. He looked at me and I nodded telling him I was ready. He took out my jeans, seeing my underwear and kissing very softly my thighs, as I moaned with all the pleasure. After also taking out my panties, he started kissing up my legs, from the feet, all the way up, almost reaching my clit. I was hungry for more. I wanted to feel him inside of me. However, he stopped the kissing and did the same on my other leg, which made me desperate. I was moaning more and more until he reached that spot and I felt a too big amount of pleasure I had never felt before in my entire life and it felt so good. We kissed some more and shared some ‘I love you’s until he finally got inside of me. In the beginning it hurt a little but he was very sweet and gentle and went very slowly. After a while I could no longer feel pain. All I felt was lots of love and pleasure as he went in and out of me. The feeling of having him inside of me was amazing but the feeling of him moving inside of me was completely out of this world. A little later I felt something. I needed more. I needed him to go faster. However, I was speechless, I couldn’t say a word, all I could do was moan loudly with all that pleasure. Somehow he must have noticed it because he started going faster and faster and faster until we both came at the same time.

After that, I just said “Oh Leo…” I was exhausted but so satisfied with everything that happened.

“Are you alright? He asked worried that he might have hurt me.

“Are you kidding me? That was spectacular! How did you do it? I mean, you were just so wonderful!”

“Ohh!! I just love you so much Jennifer! I’m so glad we did this!”

“I love you too so much Leo and I’m so happy my first time was with you! Really!”

We stayed there for about 30 minutes cuddling and kissing until I noticed the time. My mom would get home soon so he had to go. I went back to bed to sleep, dreaming about Leo and everything that had happened in that night.    

Again, remember everything related to her boyfriend is made up, his name, how it looks, how they met and everything else that happened. In this chapter only the names of the schools and the fact that Jen was in the drama club is true. Okay, please review!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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