Chapter 6: Things Get Serious.

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Hank and the group had settled for a nice spot in the woods. It was an area covered with trees and was coincidentally near a cave. Considering it to be the best of both worlds. "Dale, since you lacked the common knowledge to change the batteries in your GPS, you're responsible for lighting the campfire." Hank ordered handing Dale his lighter. "You got it, Hank." Dale said before lighting his cigarette and the firewood. "Wait, what if the smoke will scare off the deer?" Bill asked "Bill... my son KILLED a deer with his bare hands! Or uh, actually with my favorite gun. But I'm pretty sure you grabbed more than enough food from the truck AND we have deer meat. So I think we're pretty much covered!" Dale responded in a fairly aggressive tone.

Hank returned with the deer carcass, "Who's ready for some deer?" he greeted while pulling out a pocket knife. The others were excited as Hank attempted to carve a perfectly healthy deer, but something prompted the group to become silent.... "Hank....." Bill whispered "There are a bunch of eyes staring at us..." Hank looked around, "What? I don't see anythi-" Bill grabbed his friend's head and turned it to face the entrance to the cave where 6 eyes were glowing in the dark... "Those can't be what I think they are, are they?" Hank whispered back. Suddenly, three deer emerged from the cave and were just about to charge. "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" Bill screeched before 3 loud gunshots were heard. Dale, Hank, and Boomhauer had shot all 3 deer in the head "Old Yeller Style"

"Wow, saved us!" Bobby gasped. "Don't I always, son?" Hank replied with a chuckle. Bobby got up only to find Joseph was on the ground, clutching his leg. "MY SON!!!!!!!" Dale yelled rushing to Joseph's aid. "Its ok, son. Daddy's here. HANK! GET A FIRST AID KIT, QUICK!" Hank checked the duffel bag to find there was no first aid kit packed. "Ok, we're officially screwed." Bobby said bluntly, "Dang straight. Now we have to find a way to get back to the truck, get to the nearest doctor, and head home safely." Hank said. "Now does anyone have a trackphone on them." Thankfully, Dale did in fact have a trackphone on him that had more than enough minutes to call 911. "Care to do the honors, Hank?" Dale said offering his friend the phone. "I'll let you deal with this one, Dale. Joseph does mean a lot to you and such." Me and the guys will pack up while you try and call a hospital. 

Bobby sat next to Joseph while Dale tried getting a good signal. "So, what happened?" Bobby asked. "Well, there was a pothole underneath the snow, so when my dad and his friends shot those deer, I kinda tripped and we are" Joseph replied. "Sorry my dad ruined the trip for you, Bobby. We should have just stayed home...." Bobby felt bad his friend was upset, he really wanted to help in whatever way he could, even if it was through one of his corny comedy routines. "Good news, boys. There's an ambulance on its way! It'll take us to a hospital just around the corner." Dale said picking up his son. "Now come on, we gotta wave down the ambulance" Hank shouted over to the others. 

15 minutes passed before an ambulance finally arrived. Joseph was taken by the paramedics and the vehicle drove off. Thankfully, Hank and the guys found Dale's bugabago. Hank fired up the truck and followed the ambulance to the hospital. 

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