The Play.

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(Writing the characters so I don't forget. Ignore: John Jenny Jennifer)

John: We have a play tommorow... WHY?!?

Jenny: I love plays! Remember that one play where you got stabbed in the balls?

John: ...we don't talk about that.


John was embarrassed

Jennifer: No wonder everyone calls you Ball-loser!!

John: ...

Jenny: have you noticed all our names start with J?

John: I think we all have.
Hey anyway Jennifer. Do you know what 3-1 is?

Jennifer: 2. Why'd you ask

John: You'll find out..

Jennifer: You aren't scary.

Jenny: Jennifer I think you should leave him alone..

Jenny hugged and kissed Jennifer
Jennifer kissed back, but they never knew this was there last kiss

John: Hey Jennifer. Come outside with me

Jennifer: Ooo.. we're skipping school?

John: no. I have something too tell you.

John walked out the school without getting caught
Jennifer followed

John: I dare you too throw a rock at those crows.

Jennifer: HELL YEAH!!

Jennifer grabbed a rock and threw it at a crow. But due too the weak asshole she is, it didn't hurt them.
The crows got mad at her and came raging towards her.
John grabbed a crow and made the others go away. Then he started stabbing Jennifer's eyeballs with the crows beak


John: shut the fuck up you nasty bitch. I don't even know how you jumped in my sight you little nasty ass bitch

Jennifer died..
John went back inside.
An hour later the bell rang

Jenny: Where is Jennifer?

John: ...she went home.. yeah..

Jenny: I'll visit her!

John: ...

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