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Jenny: John she wasn't home
Her parents are looking for her aswell. There's missing posters everywhere!

John: I hope she's okay.

Jenny: ....

John: ...

Jenny: the play is in one more hour.. it's about a princess and a king.

John: it's not like I already knew that.

They walked too there lockers and put costumes on

John: why am I the princess and your the king

Jenny giggled
The teacher walked by

Teacher: ...i got some bad news

John and Jenny: ?

Teacher: Jennifer is dead

Jenny cried and John fake cried.

Jenny: I LOVED HER!!

John: she was such a "good" friend..

John laughed quietly.
Jenny looked at John

Jenny: why... Are you... Laughing..?

John: ...uh.. it's a problem

Jenny: I'll miss her.. alot...
I pray she visits me from heaven

John: or h- nevermind.

Jenny: did this didn't you?

John: no. Why would you say that?

Jenny: you went outside with her alone. Then you came back inside without her
And you looked nervous.

John: I don't know what you're talking about. heh..


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